Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Yard Sales

Every Saturday morning, my mom, sis, nephew and I go bargain hunting.  We get up early (at around 7AM) and pack ourselves into my car and we head out yard sale shopping.  Following neon signs all over our city (for the next two hours), we catch-up.  It’s a moment we treasure because in the intimacy of my car we are able to discuss anything and everything that is in our minds.  It’s an action of love coming together: we laugh, we cry, we pray and then we bargain!

My finds this past Saturday

Though it’s such a thrill to find items for twenty-five cents, we also love the fact that we are being good stewards of God’s creation by buying used. 
Three Movies for 1$ each

Mom grew up in an era where a pregnancy dress that was no longer needed could be altered into a dress for one of her girls. She made a lot of my dresses for picture day in elementary this way or my Halloween costumes.  I always had such original pieces and I still do at the fraction of the price by yard sale shopping.
Almost New Silver Glitter Toms for 2$

This past Saturday we all found some goodies!
The Complete Peanuts Boxed Set 1955-1958; 1963-1966 both for 5$

Small, thoughtful actions are what a Catholic life is about: so recycle, reduce, & REUSE!


  1. Who would want to give up their movie "Love Actually"? I watch that movie every year around Xmas time! It's true what they say ..... someone's "trash" is another one's treasure. Enjoy!

  2. I know right! The soundtrack is great too, I also got that at a yardsale for a buck awhile back. God Bless!

  3. hooray!! you got 3 of the best movies!!!

  4. Girls love quirky movies for sure!
