Monday, October 6, 2014

Mexican Psalms

On Saturday, I attended the Diocesan Ministries Celebration and Father Eugenio Cardenas gave one of the best talks that I have heard in a really long time.  His talk was on allowing ourselves to be invaded by the love of God, and he sang these songs (that my mother passed on to me) during his lecture.  While in my infancy these songs were about human love, Father Cardenas serenaded God with these beautiful “Mexican Psalms,” as he called them.  I shared with you that I used to get stinking drunk to this music.  Every time a man broke my heart I dealt with the hurt with alcohol and Mexican Regional Music.  On Saturday, Father redeemed this beautiful music and now I can’t wait to listen to my inheritance with God as my beloved and to dedicate these tunes to Him (smile)… Though I have a blog and I am very open in all subjects of my life- I am also a private person and I don’t share my current romantic battles nor who my heart silently admires.  Perhaps that’s why I love my classic Mariachi songs because they express figuratively my inner struggles.  The songs poetically reveal the current state of my heart- but only to God and to myself. 
Since it was also the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi, Father chose music about creation and drowned our thoughts with images of God’s gifts to us, His beloved.  “The whole of creation is a kiss from God,” he quoted, “Que bonito amor, que bonito cielo, que bonita luna, que bonito sol…” God gives as we in Spanish would say a manos llenas – He’s just over the top in His expressions of love.  I mean what man could give his beloved a sunrise, a sunset or starry sky?  Only God!  
In his early life, Saint Francis was a party animal- before he pursued God - he was the life of the party.  He drank like a fish, was terribly materialistic and wanted honor and status.  That’s one of the reasons I love him so much, because my background is one that resembles his.  Yet, he had an encounter with God and transformed that frivolous animation into a constant happiness or joy in the Lord.  He became a faithful follower and willing instrument of God the Creator.  He was amazed by God’s humility in becoming a man and saw God in everything.  The human characteristics and weaknesses that ruled his youth were redeemed by God.   Thus, his life gives me hope because though I had a sinful beginning and am still a sinner - through God I am absolved and encouraged to an ongoing conversion.
Saturday night I closed my day with my best friend's thirty-second birthday party and I was able to enjoy the night without getting drunk.  Though I did enjoy a couple glasses of Sangria, danced like crazy and enjoyed the party- I was able to resist indulging in excess alcohol.  Having Saint Francis as a testimony of faith really motivates my conversion!  I have been working really hard for some time at dominating my favorite sins and to replace them with holier actions.  Though the progress is slow- it’s progress (smile).  
"Si algo en mi cambio, te lo debo a ti
Porque aquel cariño que quisieron tantos,
Me lo diste a mi"

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