Tuesday, October 14, 2014

God of Wonders

I just finished reading The Grapes of Wrath- and as I was preparing to give a talk on creation one of the themes of the novel concerning our devaluation of farming, agriculture and nature (in general) stood out.  Steinbeck makes a powerful argument that as people stop working the land they begin to belittle and abuse it - including the people that work it.  My dad was a farmer and to this day he has a small plot in our backyard where he plants all types of vegetables and fruits.  I love that about him- his passion towards maintaining our beautiful flower gardens and his connection to mother earth.  He has a great understanding of plants and the various needs each plant species requires.  Usually every afternoon after he has done his routine watering and maintenance of his gardens he lies under our avocado tree and takes a nap.  Sometimes he just lies on a lounge chair and contemplates creation.  These moments in which I see him so happy, comfortable and in his element I will forever treasure (and will forever make me smile).  I think sometimes (we) city folk have such difficulty appreciating Gods creation.  We take flowers for granted and sunsets go ignored.  And like in The Grapes of Wrath we belittle God’s creation and no longer are amazed by His evident love for humanity.
Where is Dollar?

Though I lived on a farm for quite a few years as a child- the city changed me.   My values changed and in arrogance I shifted my view towards the industrialized, educated, modern world- and forgot to admire the sunrise or starry night (after all they were processes that occurred daily).  CS Lewis believes that in order to see God we need proper eyes.  Lewis is a genius for a reason!  As I began to fall in love with God I began to see the ways in which He pursued me.  I began to appreciate the varied seasons, the crunching leaves of fall and the cool breeze of winter.  When I fall in love, I love showering my beloved with little gestures and I began to see that everything around me are God’s gestures to me.  It’s as if one day my eyes were replaced and I was able to see creation with the eyes of a wondering child.  After searching for God for many years – I finally saw Him everywhere.  In the smiles of children, in the rainbow of flowers, in the blue skies, in animals and in other people.
God created all the visible and invisible out of nothing! He just whispered this beautiful universe into being...  Love creates- a husband and wife create a babe as testimony and product of their love.  Likewise, God who is LOVE created the heavens, the earth and His most valued creation (above all) US!  The whole of creation is for our enjoyment- it's His plan of seduction (smile).  I mean I am a cheesy person- but the King of romance is God!  

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