Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Catholic Singles Conference Part II

The singles conference brought together a massive crowd of single, young people most with the desire to find a godly spouse and ALL with a common, uniting love for God and the Catholic Church.  Events like these give me hope because as a young woman trying to live a virtuous life when I am around others like me who have made a choice to follow God I get inspired.  To hold events specifically geared for singles with sessions on topics that affect us, adoration, and centered on the Eucharist helps our spiritual growth and gives us confidence that for God all things are possible.  Then adding a social component with mixers, dancing and events held before and after the conference truly motivate one. Personally I had friends flying in from out-of-state and out-of-the-country and that to me was one of the most exciting parts- reuniting with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
While the schedule didn’t allow for much free time nor time to be with Jesus in adoration- time went by really fast.  I had to cut one of my lunches short so that I could go spend time with Jesus in adoration and that brief moment helped me immensely.  My favorite part of the conference was the holy hour we had as a group accompanied by music, prayer and moments of silence.  That hour went by so quickly and nurtured my soul and being - as always Jesus never disappoints.  There’s something celestial, powerful and incomparable in praying during exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.  My soul screamed, “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! I need You.”  And I heard Him say, “rest little one he is on his way on his way since the beginning, you two will meet and you will recognize each other…” (BIG smile)
Then there was dancing and I have yet to meet a girl who doesn’t enjoy getting jiggy (hint-hint).  Though the music selection and the DJ in general were not very good – we got down and partied the night away.  Prior to the dance starting we had dance lessons and those were really fun because it provided a great opportunity to meet others.  Followed by freestyle dancing and it was a blessing to see men and women having so much clean fun.  My group as always danced until the last song- keeping true to tradition.  I think dancing provided a great opportunity for people to start getting to know each other because after the dance I saw a few new couples (smile).  Thus, though the experience didn’t provide a hubby for me – I had a grand time with Jesus, dancing and reuniting with my buddies.              


  1. Comic blog post about National Catholic Singles Conference
