Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Catholic Singles Conference: Trust in Me

After the singles conference I took a day to let all the emotions and the experiences lived settle and to just rest in the Lord.  Yesterday, I took a two mile walk with my fluff ball, did some spiritual reading and went to adoration.  It was really important for me to write this post in an optimistic light and after the conference I felt extremely nostalgic and blue.  Thus, I took my melancholy to my Papa and began a dialogue trying not to blame God for my unmet expectations and wanting renewal and just a heavenly hug.  The thing is that I am usually quite happy with my life as a single woman, but occasionally I get stressed thinking the biological clock is ticking and growing older alone…  After seeking solitude to enter into God's realm, I realized that the conference brought up a lot of uncomfortable feelings inside me.  Some pointed to areas of growth while others were lies that the enemy was using to make me feel rather sad.

LIES: Something is wrong with you! 
These awful thoughts came over me because I unconsciously believed that since this event (where over five-hundred Catholic singles attended) took place in my hometown it was pretty inevitable that I would meet a potential suitor.  Then after the conference I returned with a few more girlfriends I felt defeated and like something must be wrong with me since no one at the conference pursued me.  I also felt slight disappointment with how the conference was run- it was just so full of activities and we were always running late that down time was cut- and the conference felt like a constant rush.  But getting back to my self-pity monologue – all these negative thoughts invaded my mind and for a while I began to think that I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough, attractive enough – enough to be loved!   

PRIDE: Going to a “singles” event requires humility!
During the conference I sat at various tables with different groups and I noticed that a lot of us have trouble being vulnerable and humble.  We are afraid to display emotions and show interest in one-another that might be interpreted wrong.  Sometimes we have an air that we are quite the catch and we don’t need to be at these events.  I expected more kindness, more warmth – but at the end I realized that I too hid behind this “political correct” behavior.  There was a man though that danced during worship and was unafraid to be himself and he showed great humility and I admired his ability and freedom to be himself.    

TRUTH: Remain in God!
God promises to reveal His will and our current status is part of His divine plan.  At times I shout like the palmist (in Psalm 13) how long will God forget me?  But God promises to be with us - Jesus tells us that He must leave so the Holy Spirit will come.  And He tells us that He will provide, “ask and it will be given to you…” All those lies that I am not good enough are annihilated in the light of Truth (smile).  Nothing in the conference sessions was new material (everything that we need has been long given to us by God in the Bible and Sacred Tradition) yet, the talks were reminders of the promises of God.  Of His desire for us to give Him ALL of me, to remain in Him and to never allow ourselves to be moved from His guidance nor lose hope because He leads us beside still waters to lie in green pastures for His namesake…    
After a day of meditation I realized that if my family upon my return from the conference had been more critical they wouldn’t have recognized that I had been with Jesus.  I was so involved in my thoughts and the negativity that I pushed Jesus right out.  Yet, yesterday after spending a relaxing day with Papa Diosito I realized that I had a lot of fun at the conference too… And that I will save for tomorrow (wink).     

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