Monday, September 29, 2014

September Fest

Love requires a response - it requires action or it will rot like stagnant water.  The type of action it requires varies from condition, circumstance or person.  Last night, I was reading a bit on Juan Diego (the visionary of La Virgen de Guadalupe) and I was amazed at his full obedience.  Even when Juan Diego feared that his beloved uncle would perish or when he confronted leaders that rejected his message he did as he was instructed…  On Sunday, we reflected on “The Parable of The Two Sons” and as we recall the father asks his two sons for help in the vineyard and gets both a positive and a negative response from his children. One, says he will do as his father has asked but doesn’t follow through.  The other says he won’t do it, but ends up helping.  What good are words if they lack action?  How weak love is that only thinks of pretty things to say- but never does a thing for the beloved?  The first son answers positively, but his actions betray the meaning.  The second son says, “no I won’t,” but then he repents, has an inner conversion and goes to help his father.  The first time I heard this parable at a church service my mom turned to me and whispered, “I believe you are the second type, for you say no all the time and always end up helping me.”  Though the second son the one who does what his father asks is the better of the two – it still saddens me that at first he said no.  
Now, a little more learned in God’s word I realize that it’s of great importance for the second son to say no before doing what his father asks because we ALL do this.  I said no to God for many years as I lived in exile, but the day came when I repented and converted.  Even now as a practicing Catholic there are days when I find it really hard to obey God – to say yes to Him… But it is scriptures like these where God shows us that no matter how much we struggle or how much we resist He knows our ability and believes in us!  And, here’s the biggie – that even if it takes an initial no for us to eventually get to a yes- He won’t reprimand us for momentarily rejecting Him, but applaud our desire to be converted - to change and to grow!  While not all of us have the confidence to obey instruction like Juan Diego- God too smiles at those who hesitate initially (smile).

This gospel reading took an even stronger meaning – this Saturday during Vigil Mass. After working for over fourteen hours at our parish’s September Fest and closing the day of service with this specific scripture I understood that expressing my love for my beloved in actions is so rewarding. I had so much fun- and not just me, but all the volunteers that sacrificed their Saturday to work for the good of our parish had smiles that brightened their tired faces. Words are beautiful – but without action they have no strength. It’s easy to tell someone you love them, but without actions from both parties the words lose power- and eventually fade. Love is more than hearts and butterflies just look at the cross, He died for us! His love was so powerful that after His legacy of instruction was completed, He did the greatest thing anyone could do for us - He battled  and defeated death on the cross to create a path for us, His children... 
Our Parish Priests getting arrested.

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