Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Letter to My One and Only


I care about you- there I said it.  Since my brother died I have been living my life without regrets and I don’t want to regret not telling you that.  I am not sure if we have already met or if we will soon- but I am so looking forward to falling in love with you (SMILE).  At nights before I fall asleep you are my last thought as I ask God to take care of you and keep you safe (Dios te cuide y bendiga).  Every day that passes a little more love is stored to be given the moment you arrive.  I’ve lit candles, prayed novenas and rosaries so you can follow the illuminated path of prayer towards me because my heart rests in Gods…   There in His arms mi corazรณn is learning to be at peace and content during my wait.  A friend said that I should make a list of the man I want- listing characteristics of what I find attractive so that I will recognize you better when we come across each other… But, love doesn’t restrict and I want to love you freely without human limitations.  I want to imitate our Heavenly Father in loving – and I know He has no list of His beloved, He just loves.  And if God has no list -who am I to make one?  So, instead of a list I decided to write a letter in case you are reading and need to be uplifted in knowing that I am waiting and saving myself for you.  Remember that when you are feeling extra pessimistic I have been praying for you and I never cease thinking of you- so that you will never feel forgotten.  In me you are alive every moment as you make your way into my arms where I will cover you in kisses.  Press on my dear for you are nearing- my heart feels you getting closer… 

I was created to help sanctify you and you for me… Thus, no matter how forlorn the path towards me becomes look not directly at the obstacles, but the love that awaits and has been waiting just for you.  A love so authentic it has your name and your name only written across my being.  I am waiting, take courage and know that even without a list I will know when you arrive for God will tell me it is you who He gives to me.  Don’t fear that I will give my heart to anyone else – for God would never allow it.  His plan is perfect trust in Him- especially when the enemy wants to stir doubt and insecurity.  Even if you have been waiting for me for quite some time, know that God has been preparing me for you- helping me learn to love in a less human way and healing me of the brokenness that past hurts have left in me.  I know you pray for me and I thank you for that (smile).

If you are reading this – I might as well say it if you haven’t already figured it out I am the mushiest person in the world!  And though I have tried to be more reasonable in love- my heart yearns for romance.  And though I am learning to be more logical (so that I won’t get hurt when I confuse you with the wrong man) I want to love you actively and expressively – so be forewarned that many hugs, caresses, kisses and poetic words await you.  God has taught me to love more authentically and in a manner that humanist would never understand - for love is a sure sign of heaven!  Thus, be happy and secure in your journey towards me for I am waiting calmly in the heart of God…

I love you to infinity and beyond,

Tu Amada      

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