Thursday, September 11, 2014

All I Want is You

There was a dark period sometime after my brother died that I started really abusing alcohol.  I would party from Thursday through Sunday.  Usually clubs, dancing and a lot of alcohol were my coping formula.  Things got so bad that I got kicked out of clubs because I would get so wasted that I couldn’t even walk- my best friend would have to help me use the restroom and how we got home without an accident really was providence.  On Mondays, I would regret the stupid things I did while under the influence – I would look at myself in the mirror and didn’t recognize my reflection.  I feared my parents and family finding out the things I was involved in because I didn’t want to disappoint them.  But when I was drunk and being the fool nothing else mattered- it numbed my inhibitions and I became the life of the party – I was happy until I hit the bed at night and the pain was amplified by the alcohol.  The next morning as I recalled the things I did I would hate myself.  In the shower I would try to wash the sin away- but as soon as Thursday came around the same pattern was repeated…
I was raised in a manner that I knew how to distinguish the good from the bad and yet for years I couldn’t walk away from the party life.  For a couple years, in between the drunken nights I began attending services and sit at weekly spiritual lectures at an Old Catholic Church.  Hungover I would wake up every Sunday with the desire to open myself to God, sometimes the worship music or the sermon would bring me to tears- but the more I felt God calling me out of the dung the more I resisted.  I felt like in order to have God I would have to give up way too much.  I would have to give up the drinking, the partying the fun… I have met others who are at this point in their walk where they feel God calling, but feel like He’s asking for way too much - way more than He will provide in return.  The truth is that God does want a lot.  He wants each of us personally to surrender to Him or rather for each of us to personally offer and give ourselves and our lives to Him (out of our own willingness).  That’s pretty darn scary!  Especially when we perceive Him out of our own brokenness and limitations- out of our own experiences with other people who have hurt us, rejected and even broken us.  Giving someone our heart is terrifying that’s why love is such a supremacy.  The thing with God is that whatever you give Him however little that might be He redeems it and gives you back so much more. 

In my ignorance I thought God wanted to kill all my pleasure and would take from me all those things I so enjoyed doing- because sin can be so much fun.  What I have discovered is that while He asks for a lot He gives back so much more.  He has taken things from me- but it has been those things I needed to be rid of like: pride, hurt, anger, impatience, vengence...- And He has given me joy, peace, patience, forgiveness, some humility and so much love.  In addition, He’s shaped my mind and has given me a different perspective- a peaceful, constant happiness.  He can do the same for you- all that baggage of vile negativity you carry that’s what He wants you to surrender so that He in turn can fill and build you up.  Take the dive into His arms you won't regret it.

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