Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Night to Remember with Bishop Barron

In the studio audience.

Last night my diocese hosted a night with Bishop Robert Barron, who is promoting the release of a new film series entitled “Catholicism the Pivotal Players.” The night was arranged in three parts: appetizers and wine, the premiere of a one hour segment delving into Saint Francis of Assisi as one pivotal player and then we became the audience for a segment of EWTN Bookmark!  The evening was such a lovely surprise because when my friend sent me the invite all I saw was that a film about my favorite saint would be showcased; yet, as I got ready for the event I found the full scoop and I was super excited about possibly meeting the man of the night in addition to being part of my first televised audience experience- so look for me on September eleven when the episode will air.  As I was sipping on a glass of Chardonnay involved in a conversation with a gal I met, the bishop passed right by me and I shrieked.  Then like a panther stalking her prey I pounced grabbing my buddy and the gal as photographer.  When he turned to speak to me, in my nervousness I think I might have called him Bishop Brown!!! Was I thinking of Charlie Brown? All I remember is saying, “I really love your work, and I would love to take a picture with you Bishop Brown!”  He smiled and granted my request.  Then as I walked back to my wine, flustered and thankful at my good fortune, I realized that my mouth had betrayed me!  Maybe the bishop needed a humility check and God said, “let me use this fool.”  Nonetheless, next time I meet him I can always begin with, “remember me, I am the one that baptized you Bishop Brown (smile).”  Thankfully that was the only faux pas that I committed during the night (that I am aware of at least, LOL).
My sister and mom made my dress.
Over 200 people were in attendance.
 Classy gals sipping on Chardonnay.
My buddy enjoying the appetizers.

The video on Saint Francis was really well done, I can’t wait to watch the other five in the series that have been released.  It’s always nice to hear the story of my beloved saint from different perspectives and this film captured locations, people and art that were of importance to Saint Francis.  It brought the saint to life in an aesthetically beautiful manner, tackling some misconceptions and legends that have attached themselves to Saint Francis and showing the mustard seed effect of one man who transformed the world.  The film is deep in content, provides many humorous narratives and the visuals are just absolutely captivating. I totally give it a two thumbs up.

 We got to say hello to our Bishop Vann.
 Waiting to meet Bishop Brown (LOL).
 Meeting Bishop Barron.

I have never been part of an audience for a television show, so I was a little nervous though mostly excited.  After a fifteen minute break after the movie, we were ready to begin filming.  One camera was pointed at the audience the entire time and we were directed to not stare at the cameras, while a man stood to the side and directed us when to clap.  So, we only had two directions don’t look at the camera and clap when instructed - pretty easy gig.  I could sense the excitement of people around me, but once the show took off we really had no trouble acting normal because we were really engrossed by the chat taking place on stage.  The hour flew by rather quickly and before we knew it our audience gig was over.  It was such a special night, I am just so amazed by the things God allows me to be part of, He truly is a good, good Father. 

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