Monday, May 2, 2016

Transgendered Bathrooms: What about my rights?

Yesterday, in RCIA class the students presented controversial topics to open a dialogue in Christian moral theology.  We had four groups of students covering the hot topics of abortion & euthanasia, homosexuality, war and chastity.  The groups normally present how society and the church view each subject matter; in addition, to sharing their own personal stand.  As teachers, we play devil’s advocate challenging their views by asking them questions that will inspire deeper reflection and hopefully a better understanding about why church teachings need to form our social consciousness.  It’s sad to see how relativism has penetrated the minds of many and how misinformed people are about church moral teaching.  Many think that the church is intolerant, out dated and wrong because they don’t take the time to really explore and learn about their faith.  Recently, I have come across an issue that really upsets and worries me, the issue of making public restrooms accessible to transgender people.  I have been vocal about how I was molested as a child and this experience has seriously affected me in my daily life.  While I have overcome a lot of issues associated with the abuse- I still feel safer around people of my own sex.  In fact, I go out of my way to have women doctors, my psychologist & therapist must be women, and recently joining a female only gym has been such a positive experience.  Therefore, gender neutral bathrooms terrify me.  I have been thinking a lot about this lately, biologically we are male and female, but now society is saying that if we identify more with one sex over the other that’s who we are.  That if I feel like a woman that’s enough to go and use the women’s restroom regardless of the sex I was born with?  So, their argument is that sexual identity is a matter of feeling, a matter of choice and nothing to do with biology. If I feel female that’s enough to use the women’s restroom- now some might argue that I am being unfair that this is in support of the transgendered community… But who is going to be keeping tabs at the door making sure that only the “real” people who identify as women come through the door? 

We have become a people that aims to be a feel-good-all-inclusive, progressive society.  Yet, our church continues to guide us and to help us define what is right.   Pope Francis recently said in regards to this gender confusion – that we must help people accept their objective sexual identity.  He says that we must teach the young “to accept their bodies as it was created… and to help them respect and appreciate their sexual difference.”  Our Pope tells us that it’s ok to be different because God purposely created us so.  Transgendered people argue that public restroom accommodations is a right they have, that having bathrooms separated by sex is a type of discrimination.  American ears fear the word discrimination; thus, Target stores in an effort for equality have stated that transgendered people are free to use whichever restroom they feel comfortable with…  What about my rights as a woman?  Am I not being discriminated? Are my rights not being violated?  I am a woman because biologically that’s how God created me- do I not have the right to have public accommodations for me?  Must I accept that now being a woman is based on feeling not biological?  It always comes down to definitions maybe we need to go back to basics and remember what male and female means.  It goes beyond a feeling- it’s a matter of biology and science.  Secular culture normally loves to use science to oppose religion – well this time science clearly explains what male and female are.  Thus, I have a right as a woman to retain my public bathroom usage as is.

There’s a petition to challenge Target's policy and keep restrooms seperated by sex, but to offer a unisex option for the trandgendered community. I urge you to sign the petition below:

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