Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Evangelizing Through Facebook

Social media has impacted the world in both positive and negative ways- it has transformed the way we communicate and while the list of pros and cons is extensive I want to share today my personal take and use for evangelizing.  I opened a Facebook account when my friends began having children as a way to watch their kids grow. Due to responsibilities and distance it’s impossible to meet up weekly, but through social media I am able to share in their children’s growth and daily lives by the great family posts the proud parents display.  While my reasons for opening a page on said site were familial as I began this blog and deepening in my faith I realized that social media can really be used for the glory of God.  At first I was uncomfortable sharing personal bits of my faith, church involvement and overall my continuous testimony because I felt like I was tooting my own horn and appearing holier than I really am.  Yet, as I got more comfortable I realized that if we don’t share what God has done in our lives and our faith via actions and example than who will shine the light on the glory of God?  Jesus repeatedly told the people he healed to keep it to themselves, yet the healed went on sharing what Jesus had done in their lives not to go against the will of God, but because so great was the transformation that if they didn’t speak the rocks would sing.  The majority of the people in my life are not believers and if I don’t challenge them to seek God (or at least annoy them) who will?
If I am not bombarding my fellow Facebook audience with my personal testimony I post things that I love – mostly quotes that really speak to me.  I love language and words are important to me; yet, as I have grown in my faith I have realized that before I post a quote I have to make sure that the statement is in accordance with my faith.  I think many times (Christians are guilty of this too) people post things without reflecting on whether or not the post glorifies God.  Also, the things we “like” must be given some thought because it’s a public forum and others can see everything we do.  I have seen some Christian men “like” pictures of women in provocative dress, comment about drunken nights or unholy behavior and that’s really unattractive because it translates as spiritual immaturity.  When I was working as secretary of the Hispanic Council, the president posted a picture of a bottle of Patron and said that for every “like” he would take a shot and later posted a video of a plus size woman on a strip pole.  I confronted him about it and reminded him of the position he had in the church and he said it was just fun and people knew he was just joking.  Yet, we are representatives of Christ at all times and not just to people who know us, but to the whole world. 

Facebook is a great way to keep in touch and many blessings can come from it.  I like to wish everyone a happy birthday, and I “like” every comment people post on my page as a way of acknowledging them and thanking them for thinking of me.  It’s helped me get to know others better and even grow in my faith.  I have a couple private prayer groups that I established on the site and daily we reach out to one-another and join in praying novenas.  It’s also helped me share my faith with my loved ones in a way that it’s not threatening and often I get comments or messages that open up a faith discussion.  Currently it’s helping a special friendship grow.  I am happy to see in this man very thoughtful behavior and a great testimony of God - that has made my affection towards him grow.  I see in his way of using social media a respect for others and God.  Who we are silently or in our small actions reveals our character.  So think before you post or “like”: would Jesus approve? 

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