Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Love Is Patient

Last night I was reading a book that I just purchased and I realized that sometimes I go through books so quickly that I don’t enjoy or get as much out of them as I would if I slowed down.  I devour books in large quantities, last year alone I read over ninety books…   As my mind entertained this idea I realized that a lot of the time I am still extremely impatient in areas that I haven’t given God to transform.  I want to live at a fast pace much like I do in my reading- waiting sucks…  I read somewhere that God invented time so that He wouldn’t give us everything all at once (smile).  Usually time helps us to mature and through our growth we are better able to receive and care for our gifts.  In relationships, time plays an important role.  It guides us prudently with wisdom and reason.  The slow progression from acquaintance, friendship, courtship to marriage needs to come about at a pace that allows people to see past their emotions.  We need time to get to know each other truthfully beyond our romantic notions and discern through action and prayer God’s will.  Once we have discerned that we are ready for marriage then we are ready to pursue courtship.  After that step has been taken – one needs to learn to enjoy the various phases of the spouse discernment process.  I think for some of us- especially us romantic people- it’s hard almost unnatural to enjoy the beginnings without craving for more intimacy.   Yet, from experience- in matters of two, one needs to learn patience especially when it appears like nothing is happening, God is at work.  Much like grapevines in the winter seem dead in activity, yet underneath they are resting and storing their energy for spring.
I like a man and am currently praying for discernment.  In addition, I am praying for patience and the ability to enjoy the state I find myself in.  From the female perspective- it’s really difficult to wait on the man to take action.  It’s even harder to show interest without becoming overpowering and taking the lead in the relationship.  Harder still when there’s distance between the two of you, but from what I gather God loves challenges (smile).  Sometimes I write messages and then delete them because I think I am being too forward.  It’s just really difficult to find that balance between sending clear signals without taking the reign.  So, men if you think that we women have the easy role as the pursued – think again.  Waiting requires a lot of patience, hope and trust in the Lord…

Anyway, yesterday I picked up a book on courtship because I am still rather new to this area of husband discernment (smile).  I read a couple chapters and I put it down so that I would soak and meditate on what I had read.  The thing is that if I ever have a daughter I want to be able to tell her that I trusted God so completely that during the wait for her daddy I never lost my joy or my peace.  I want to be able to tell her that I enjoyed getting to know her daddy slowly following the will of God- with wisdom and calming of emotions.  That taking the time to know him as a friend, a boyfriend and eventually as my spouse was worth all the drops of patient sweat.  That her daddy was a man of honor, godly and that he took the time to protect my heart and love me slowly.  That just as God had protected and saved my future spouse and me for each other He would do the same for her.  That God’s original plan for romance as attacked by modern philosophy as it is- is a sure path towards true and lasting love… SMILE.            

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