Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Love is Always the Answer

Once in a while when I have a Saturday free from any planned activity I like to spend my morning on retreat with God at a holy site...  I put on Christian music in my car and place before me the fullness of possibilities that remain in the Lord personally for me and off I go…  This past Saturday I went in search of some spiritual and mental rest as I made my way to the newly Catholic - Christ Cathedral.  There in the arboretum, chapel and walking the grounds I drifted from self into contemplation and meditation of my Creator...  I tend to be an extremely emotional person (we bipolar people tend to be so); yet, as I sat in silence just enjoying the solitude in front of the parish altar I felt God calling me higher.  I felt the great need to open the Bible and as I did I came across scripture that deals with allowing God’s light to shine in and through us.  One part of a verse just captivated me, “Lest the light in you be darkness…” And upon those seven words I reflected.  The more I softly repeated each word, the deeper each word engraved in my soul- and the more I felt God asking me to start showing joy especially when my emotions and my thoughts are darkened by troubles and tribulations. 

“How,” I asked, “can I smile when my heart is hurting?”
And slowly faces of my loved ones began to invade my mind. 
“Love all of them,” He replied. “Think of how you can serve each and do it- especially when you are hurting and anxious.” 
I thanked Him for this simple revelation and as I went into the chapel to pray my thanksgiving song a group of people also walked in to pray two rosaries. As a community, in the tongue I delight (Spanish), I joined them in prayer.
As I walked the grounds on the way to my car I took pictures of the familiar, powerful statues depicting milestones in the life of Jesus or powerful Old Testament narratives.  Again, I found myself contemplating each massive statue with new fascination.  I had visited the cathedral when it belonged to a protestant group and when I was shopping around for a church to start attending after I left the evangelical church.  I even took a bible study class onsite and helped lead prayer during a large church event.  I also saw the world-famous yearly theatrical production of "The Christmas Story" that the cathedral used to hold.  In addition, during Christmas of 2006 my parents and I went to their Christmas Eve midnight service- and though the ceremony was really spectacular my parents asked me to give the Catholic Church a try.  For even with all the splendor, the entertaining speakers and the snow falling from the glass ceilings finale the Eucharist was not there.  But what stirred me away that night was that the famous Argentine preacher spoke ill about Catholics and I thought a true follower (especially a leader) of Christ never speaks negatively about others.  Maybe that moment of weakness and pride in Pastor Gebel was what God used to point me home.  Now years later and just a tad bit more grown in God- I smiled at the irony.  This magnificent building ended becoming part of my universal home.  I felt this strong sense of closure between my former self and this being that craves for nothing more than mas de Dios (smile).     
I share this with you my friends (who at times sadness and self-pity want to overtake and bring us down) remember that God gave us the entire human population to love and as Saint John of the Cross taught, “Where there is no love- put love in- and you will find love.” (SMILE)  Love is always the answer, lest the light in you be darkness…
You have called me higher You have called me deeper 
And I will go where You lead me Lord...

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