Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Review: The Ranch in Anaheim

The Kelly Rae Band

Early in my twenties I spent a great part of my weekends dancing.  Though I hated the atmosphere of night clubs and drank too much to loosen up, I went because I love to dance.  As I have gotten older I still love to dance, but since I try not to drink excessively nor to get drunk I stay away from clubs.  Occasionally once in a great while for a friend’s birthday I still go, but for the most part I no longer frequent those places.  THE RANCH Saloon is different - though it offers some of the cool things about nightlife- like good music, a variety of alcoholic beverages and an atmosphere similar to a club - the crowd it attracts is extremely unusual since it brings in people ranging from twenty-one to seventy-one.  You won’t see a lot of drunkenness though they sale a lot of alcoholic drinks, the bouncers are really keen to kick people out if they are too intoxicated.  What you will see is classiness and a crowd really interested in dancing.  In addition, you will see a mixture of ages; young women dancing with older men or vice versa because they are there to dance and have a good time.  I love to see the older folks teaching the younger people, it’s almost as if I am witnessing the handing down of a treasured tradition.  The dance floor is surrounded by tables for people to sit and to order yummy appetizers if one is not in the mood or can’t dance certain songs.
Such a Neat Variety of dancers!
My buddy the one that introduced me to Country Dancing.

After a long hiatus, on Friday I returned to THE RANCH for a little bit of country dancing.  They provide a free thirty minute lesson every night, but it’s always to a different song with new steps; thus, I never seem to learn any new dances – so I still only dance to the Hustle, the Electric Slide, the Wobble and freestyle.  During the other more complicated dances, I either sing along from my seat enjoying the live band or appreciate the variety of proficient country dancers.  It’s beautiful to see people in their element.  From my seat I take in the various couples and I love to see how naturally the men lead and how gracefully the women follow.  I love looking down at the synchronized boots moving in thoughtful steps and admire the wearers’ ability to follow either in the coupled or line dances.  Country dancing really highlights the best of both sexes: the men in their jeans, flannel shirts and cowboy boots look manly as they artistically spin the women around the dance floor.  There’s no room for sexualized twerking moves in country dancing every song follows very contemplative steps; yet it’s very sensual and oh so much fun!  
The place is super cool inside.

I think Jesus would give THE RANCH a thumbs up because the place really promotes Christian values.  For a nightclub it breaks all the rules- it has young adults dancing with really mature adults, it sales alcohol yet people don’t get embarrassingly drunk, the bouncers promote a safe environment and quickly address any drunkenness and it’s only five bucks to get in!  On Friday, I met a woman and her daughter who were out on a girl’s night at the saloon!  The place attracts a lot of Christian groups and that’s the best part because I, as a woman, enjoy the security of knowing that I won’t be disrespected or violated in the crowd while I am dancing.  As I sat enjoying a Blue Moon I knew I had to share this awesome place with y’all because it’s such a neat venue for dancing loving Catholics to hang out without feeling like one’s compromising one’s faith (smile).  I just wish they played a little bit of Spanish music then it would be heaven on earth (smile).  
Every night the owner sings a song with the band.

"It's said that Walt Disney created Disneyland because he wanted to spend time with his daughters.  Andrew Edwards, the owner and president of Extron Electronics, has created THE RANCH Restaurant & Saloon for pretty much the same reason... to dance with his daughter."


  1. Wow! Thanks for being sharing this my dear Sonia, I certainly want to gooooooooo!!! =)

  2. Come visit me and we will go, I have extra cowboy boots and a a friend who loves to teach:)
