Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dynamic Catholic

On Sunday, after mass our parish gave away Matthew Kelly’s most recent book, The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic.  Today, we start a four week study series!  Though, I have only just started reading, some of the thoughts Kelly shares have already stirred my mind…

Lately, people have been telling me that I have the best single life of anyone they know, “you are always having so much fun,” is the consensus.  At first, I just smiled and gave it no further thought, but after I continued getting the same statement from many others I started to worry, “maybe I am having too much fun!” 

I started getting really preoccupied, thinking, “maybe I am not paying as much attention to my spiritual life, perhaps I have deviated and am headed into my old pre-Jesus phase!”  Then yesterday, while I was reading Kelly’s book I realized what’s happening.  Kelly mentions that dynamic Catholics show a trait of “intentional living.”  They live their lives INTENTIONALLY, every day they have a plan.  They schedule activities into their lives that embody their love of God. I didn’t know I was doing this!  I just thought that my faith in God was the only reason to my happiness and it is- BUT faith is a verb and God has shown me how to live my life passionately every single day, one activity at a time (WOW).  Back when I began my journey I started making small changes and slowly my life became what it is today - FULL. I am happy to conclude that I do live quite an exceptional-ordinary life, who knew following Jesus could do a life good! Even I was surprised! (SMILE)

There’s a lot of romance associated with spontaneity, but research shows that the difference between success and failure is goals!  People that make goals are likelier to succeed.  God however took that a step further for me and taught me to make small goals every day.  I keep a calendar and I start scheduling events and activities into my days – everything I do is premeditated (WINK).  This strategy is the reason that my life looks so fun to outsiders. I’m just living my life now and not waiting for a tomorrow that will never come (SMILE).

"Life is God's gift to you, the way you live your life is your gift to God, make it a fantastic one!"

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