Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Seven Blogging Questions

The number seven holds great biblical significance.  It appears in the bible over six hundred times and many times it's more commonly used as symbol rather than a number.  It comes from the Hebrew Language and means fullness or completeness.  On Sunday’s homily Father pointed out how for the past three Dominical Masses the three gospel readings have covered seven parables that together express completeness of truth.    In the thirteen chapter of the book of Matthew, Jesus reveals to us His plan for salvation.  Thus, since tomorrow “In My Shoes” turns one! I have compiled seven questions and answers about my experience this past year of blogging.

Who is the In My Shoes girl? I am a Catholic revert- who has been actively living her faith since 2007.  While the death of my brother (in 2004) began my spiritual quest it wasn’t until May of 2007 that I returned home.  My spirituality is central to who I am and completely motivates my lifestyle, shapes my choices and forms my goals and future ambitions.  Away from blogging I have a full time job, volunteer my time in various activities, am active at my local parish and am usually found spending time with my friends, family or with my nose in a book.  That is if I am not spoiling my little fur ball!   
How did you get into blogging? I’ve always LOVED to write and have kept a journal since I was in junior high.  My degree is in English Literature and I think next to God and my family - books and learning are my other passion!  In fact, to me a university classroom is my vision of heaven (smile)! My childhood dreams included writing stories, but until I started this blog I selfishly protected my writings keeping them private.  In addition to my need to write I also felt that God wanted to use me to share my love for Him through the experiences I post here.  I also, wanted a safe place to share my testimony with my loved ones who the majority do not have God in their lives.   
Do people you know offline know you’re a blogger? Yes and No.  I share my blog posts on my Facebook page because originally I wanted to introduce my loved ones to God; thus, my friends on Facebook know I blog.  However, I don’t really advertise my blog outside of Facebook and actually I feel really weird when I bump into someone and they mention my blog.  I think that sharing my inner most thoughts and getting credit for them is something that makes me really vulnerable and thus I tend to hide the fact that I have this space.  I hope this insecurity is something that I will soon overcome.  
When do you write your posts? I usually write my entries in the morning right before I post them.  

What do you usually blog about? Mainly I write about my faith as seen through my eyes.  This place is my personal story and usually whatever I have on my mind or am experiencing I dedicate a post to that.  I try to be honest and portray a person of faith who struggles with sin, is full of flaws- yet through God’s redeeming love strives to be a better human being.   

Who do you want to reach with your blog? I would like to reach whoever God wants me to reach.  Ideally I would love to start that curiosity and search for truth in the hearts of my loved ones.  I pray a lot about my blog too.  In prayer, God has helped me not focus on the number of readers I have per post because- if only one person feels the need to explore deeper into the Catholic faith than my job is done (smile).
What motivates and inspires you to continue blogging? God.  He created this great desire in me to write and I am most happy when I am writing something new.  Writing also helps me to actively use my talents for the Kingdom.  Photography is also an amateur love of mine.  In addition, Father once advised me to use my beauty for God and while I didn’t understand his words at first I think by blogging I am using my strengths in a way that God can use to help others.  Sometimes it’s hard to press on with the blog, but usually God sends perseverance through a compliment from a reader.  Thus, I will continue to write until He wills it (smile).


  1. Penny, keep up the great work! Congrats on your one year anniversary!

  2. Thanks Lud! Hope all is well with my karaoke loving friend!

  3. Everything is okay. I would ask for your prayers...dealing with some depression this evening related to work frustrations. I shall persevere though! I have been writing in my blog alot more :). I wish I could visit southern California to see my brother and visit for a few hours...I would definitely be up for some Dimples Karaoke my happy place besides Disneyland

  4. Prayers coming your way. Hang in there buddy and know that God is with you. :)

  5. Thanks you are very much an inspiration as I have some of the same mental challenges as you. It is nice to read your blog and get insight as to how you deal with it. It is very helpful to me! Kudos to you Penny :). It's also nice to know I am not alone. Part of me would like to do blogging about it but I am not comfortable on my end in using an pen name if I were to do it. God bless! I will email you in the near future!

  6. Thanks for the kind words :) I am very much an open book and enjoy writing about my disability as a way to encourage, help and motivate others - am happy to hear that you enjoy them. God bless!
