Monday, July 21, 2014

King of the Jungle

We are all born with a desire to belong.  Usually those desires are momentarily satisfied within a loving family, then as we grow we add friends and eventually we yearn for intimacy with a singular person.  Some discern religious vocation after falling madly in love with God - while others fall in love with another person and start the family unit all over again. We all yearn for love – to love and to be loved… On Saturday, my friend and I watched Tarzan put on by MTOC.  The musical highlights many important themes like: the need to belong, the importance of family in survival, the beauty of falling in love, among others.  Yet, what caught my attention on Saturday was Tarzan’s family of apes.  This family of wild beasts take in this little boy and love him as their own.  While I understand it’s a fictional story- I kept thinking that God’s love is all around us and it’s not imprisoned in human cages, but travels throughout creation.  While many of us struggle searching for a very specific type of love – God made everything chiefly for our enjoyment- out of love!
As Tarzan becomes a man he starts to notice that he’s not like the other apes and his inner identity struggle begins.  When he finds Jane he realizes that there’s others like him and he can’t explain why he can’t stay away from her.  Similarly, each of us go through periods of identity crisis where we feel a great disconnect from our families and desire to meet someone like me.  While falling in love with another person really is magic- eventually feelings plateau and we are left feeling unsatisfied again.  Our little, inner compass pulls us towards something bigger than ourselves and it is when we find God that having Him is enough and the desire to belong is satisfied when we realize that we are part of Kingdom of God. 

“You’ll be in my heart always.” Tarzan        

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