A Franciscan parish I found in Puerto Rico.
I was born in a home full of animals… My fondest memories
include taking care of rabbits, chicks, goats, etc. in the small farm we found
ourselves in Mexico. My dad assigned me
the duty of taking care of the offspring and many an hour were spent looking after
my little friends. To this day I am more
natural, comfortable and truly me around animals, specifically dogs. When I returned to the Catholic faith after
spending a few years at an evangelical church (and many more as an agnostic) the whole notion of saints
disturbed me- and maybe that’s why God gave me Saint Francis of Assisi as the
saint that won my heart. In a Jovenes para Cristo meeting, acoustic guitar was
added to the “Prayer for Peace” and I remember hearing it for the first time and
my whole soul rejoiced and I fell deeply in love with Saint Francis. As I continued in my faithful path I learned
some great stories about Saint Francis like the taming of the wolf and his
ability to talk with animals and my admiration improved. Though some stories are stuff of legend, the
more I learned about him through Little Flowers of Saint Francis or Chesterton’s
biography of my beloved saint my heart yearned to imitate his
spirituality. I yearned for simplicity,
for the natural world and for humility.

Socializing at the dog park.
Future Lay Franciscan.
As years have passed since my introduction to Brother
Francis, my connection to him has grown.
Every place that I have traveled I find a parish, monastery or just a
happy statue or painting of him and I can’t help, but feel like he follows me
(smile). Through example, he has helped
my relationship with God become more intimate and he's given me a look into the heart
of our Creator that I love. He’s
taught me to enjoy a sunset, a cloudy day or my father’s flowers for I tell you that not even Solomon in all
his splendor was dressed like one of these (smile).

Though I don’t know much about the Catholic saints- only
until recently have I started reading the lives of saints (because I am a Jesus
nerd)- Saint Francis began my introduction into the exemplary lives of many who
took the gospel and brought it to life without changing it simply making it completely their own. And he’s a saint my heart
favors (wink). I admire the life change he made and his ability to give up everything for God. A friend said that I shouldn't favor any of the saints, but I can't help to be drawn to this incredible man who left such a strong legacy in the name of Christ. Do you have a favorite saint?
Taking a stroll.