Monday, July 11, 2016

Tour: Mission San Fernando Rey de España

I had been wanting to drive out to the next California mission on my list of twenty-one, for quite some time now and I was finally able to do so this past Saturday.  Things have a way of working out for the best because I really needed the day personal retreat.  My sister tells me that sometimes I have a few days when no one can stand me- meaning I get quite irritable and emotional.  I become critical, insecure and my usual glass-half-full attitude becomes full of negativity.  Unfortunately it’s part of having female hormones and usually I survive to see more cheerful days (this might be TMI).  On Saturday, weary and emotionally sick I took a long drive north to be with God and to find peace in His arms.  As I arrived at Mission San Fernando Rey de España, I was blown away by its beauty.  I was directed to start at the chapel and then Bob Hope’s garden because that area gets busy with Quinceañeras.  There was no one in the chapel when I arrived so I had a moment to be with God (just the two of us) and that meeting began a beautiful day of peace and prayer.  I then went over to the Bob Hope garden and sitting on a bench under a tree I prayed my day novena of la Virgen del Carmen (my friends and I are praying it together ending on her feast day).  I was mesmerized by this beautiful sculpture of the holy family resting with their donkey beside them and I was taking a picture of it when I got kicked out of the garden because of Saturday services.  Yet, the rest of the mission is so big that it took me most of the day to tour and enjoy areas in prayer and contemplation. 
The altar.
San Fernando.
Nuestra Morenita so beautiful!

My favorite place- an area that I felt goosebumps as I entered was the Virgin Mary room.  This is a room in the mission that only recently has been opened to the public and holds various pieces of artful depictions of our blessed Mother.  It’s also the only room that music is played as one tours.  The combination of images and music made this my favorite room.  I felt so peaceful and I really knew that God and His blessed Mother were with me in this journey.  The room holds many different cultural depictions of Mary in various art styles.  Though the room is small it’s so packed that it took me awhile to go through the various images.  I saw a Native American Mary and a Mary holding Carmelites underneath her veil that were super neat. 
Inside the Mary room.
I love this image- they are all resting peacefully and their donkey wants to be near!

To end I spent sometime in the gardens and the grounds were mostly quiet – I chose a good day to go because I felt like I was on my own at the mission.  But enough talking let’s get to the pictures!     
San Junipero Serra
The garden behind the chapel.
 Bob Hope's garden.
 I loved this life size sculpture between greenery & with book in hand.
 In the courtyard.

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