Thursday, April 7, 2016

Weigh Loss: Feel Better When I'm Dancing

So, it’s the time of the month for a fitness update!  Good news, after a month of making better food choices, abstaining from junk food and soda pop, having portion control and after working out with my dog four times a week I am down a size!  My dog is also very pleased with the extra-long walks we have been doing (smile) and also shows a slimmer waist LOL.  Now this past month hasn’t been easy because a lot of changes were made and some days I succeed while others I failed miserably, but I am like the “Little Engine that Could” and persevered.  When I failed, I acknowledge my failures trying to learn from them and to move passed them without dwelling.  My weight loss plan consists of healthier eating choices, exercise, and drinking more water – there’s really no magic formula.  As my mom always tells me: todo lo bueno cuesta,” and she isn’t referring to money; but, the effort, time and anything else needed to achieve goals.  My friend has also been coaching me, I report to her once a week giving her a weekly description of how I did nutrition and activity wise and make a new plan of attack for the week to come.  I talk to her about my problem areas too and she gives me suggestions and encouragement to press on.  Having someone who keeps me accountable has also made a difference in my weight loss journey.  Yesterday, I upped my game by getting a pass for Zumba classes at my local gym.  I will be taking classes at least two nights a week (Wednesday & Friday night 6-7PM) and am really looking forward to this new activity.  Last post, I, spoke about how who you do things with makes a difference and I am really excited because the facility where I am taking my Zumba classes is an all women gym and that makes me feel more secure and more comfortable to succeed in this new adventure (smile).
Partner in crime.

I have a boring desk job, which means that I work in front of a computer all day and most days I work right through my breaks and lunches so when I get home I am usually mentally exhausted.  Most days I really don’t feel like working out- I just want to take a break, close my eyes and rest for an hour before I do anything.  This past month, as soon as I got home I grabbed the leash and took my dog on walks, I have found this to be more relaxing and energizing – yet, I still have my days when I rather just plummet into my bed for relaxation.  Food wise I try to make better choices and also have portion control- but there have been days (especially days when I am celebrating loved ones’ birthdays) that I fail miserably.  Water intake has also been a change, instead of drinking flavored drinks I now opt for water at work and at home.  At work I am really good at drinking lots of water, but when I get home I don’t hydrate as much as I should.  Am describing these things in detail to show that weight loss takes a lot of work and effort there’s no miracle process or magic pill as the ads describe.  When it comes down to it, it’s a matter of work and lifestyle changes.  “Todo lo bueno cuesta,” everything worthwhile requires effort. 
Keeping hydrated.

The other day I was in the elevator traveling up to my office and I was met by a friend who was having a birthday, so I bestowed good wishes and she replied, “It sucks getting older.”  To which I replied, “I love getting older, because I feel more comfortable in my skin, more confident...” I have learned that as adults we have the power to live a life worthy of us and we have a responsibility to live it well.  God wants us to be happy and as adults we are accountable to live a life worthy of such a godly blessing.  When we reach the end of our years, may we come to God with multiplied talents (a life well lived) as our offering and may He greet us with, “Well, done, my good and faithful servant.” 
"Well done, good and faithful servant. 
You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; 
enter into the joy of your master."

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