Thursday, October 22, 2015

Theology on Tap in the OC

Father Spitzer and his fan club.

Yesterday I went to Theology on Tap with my friends.  We normally like attending these kind of social gatherings to hang out with each other while supporting Catholic events and learning more about our faith.  Last night, a man I admire so much (that if he had a fan club I would volunteer as president) came to deliver a talk on happiness.  A topic that encompasses his latest book, Finding True Happiness Satisfying Our Restless Hearts, which I bought and got signed with a personal dedication to me! Ok so he was signing and personally dedicating every book sold- but that doesn’t take the special out of my signed copy (smile).  Father Robert Spitzer is a genius, a treasure of the Catholic Church, who when he speaks (though my ignorant mind only comprehends the simplest concepts) he presents God’s truth in such relatable ways.  He speaks of science, philosophy, theology all as supporting pillars - as brothers that nurture each other to reveal deep spiritual truths.  He challenges us to ask questions, to dig deep into matters of faith to allow ourselves to know God through channels that perhaps we thought conflicted or even denied God.  Last night he simplified things quite a lot from his usual manner of speaking, knowing his audience was largely young adults and he added his warm, geeky sense of humor and had us laughing in true spirit of his happiness topic!  Father Spitzer is the Catholic science guy- and I am super attracted to his genius because before my conversion I always thought that science and religion couldn’t coexist.  To me, the two subjects were enemies and a choice had to be made between the two.  Being a “college” educated woman I made my erroneous choice and went with science, but when I realized that science didn’t satisfy the deep longings in my soul, that it left a lot to be desired and much to the unknown; I went with God.  And it was with God that I realized that I didn’t need to choose because God created science and knowledge and He encourages us to explore and get to know Him through His creation.  Science gives us glimpses into the genius of God!  And Father Spitzer has been a very influential figure in my life because he’s the smartest man I know- and his smarts are his way to God.  Sometimes, when we look at Christian spirituality from the outside it can appear like a religion based on fantastical fairytales and myths and this false appearance can distract us from God.  We make erroneous assumptions that all Christians must be brainless dimwits- I know that’s how I saw Christians- but now I know better.  Now I know that our church began the first universities because it understands the power of education and some of the greatest minds in history are devout Catholics who questioned and investigated the claims of our God and our church.  Thus, I recommend that if you are having trouble reconciling science with God search the writings and talks of Father Spitzer he’s a true gem a great resource!
These monthly Theology on Tap events in Orange County, have been made popular by Father Bartus, an Anglican priest who converted into the Catholic Church a few years ago as part of the reunification program authorized by Pope Benedict.  He and his whole congregation were converted into the Catholic Church- neat-o right!  Father Bartus has this great desire to evangelize the youth, especially college age kids and Bishop Vann has given him the green light to create these social gatherings to encourage, support, inform and guide young Catholics.  It’s great to see this revival in the young community, to know that healthy (yet fun) events exist for people to socialize and learn more about their Catholic faith.  I took quite a few pics enjoy.    
Father Bartus introducing Father Spitzer.
Valiant Brewery is a Catholic company that opens it's doors
 to most of the events providing some local good cheer.
Speaking on happiness- and St. Augustine, "Our hearts are restless until they rest in you."  
A sizable diverse crowd.
 Great talk as always!
My friend getting her book signed.

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