Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Beginning the Master Catechesis Certificate Program

Yesterday, I began the Master Catechesis Certificate program with the Diocese of Orange.  This has been a goal of mine for some time and am excited that I have finally started.  Though I was a little nervous, my first night went by so quickly. The student body consisted of mainly married couples that are discerning the diaconate or are serving in church ministry.  Although, I happen to be the youngest person in the class and the only one who is not married I really enjoyed seeing married couples taking courses together- what a great example.  My professor teaches theology by day at a local Catholic high school and he is AMAZING!  In spite of the fact, that by the end of the night my head wanted to burst with so much new information, I love my teacher. He is really knowledgeable about the subject matter and he’s also a very devout Catholic. I began the program by taking an intro course into the Old Testament.  Last night we went over the first three chapters of Genesis and I learned so many new things about God and His great love for us, which is so evident in the two creation stories. When God speaks action takes place, that’s how powerful His words are! Wow!
A lot of what I learned last night so fittingly goes with the material I have been talking about in my previous posts.  God created us to live in harmony and in relationship with God, ourselves, others and creation.  He wants us to know Him, to know ourselves, to know others and to know the needs of creation so that we can be good stewards.  We went through the two creation stories verse by verse and I was amazed because God gives us everything and loves us in such a complete, perfect way.  He knows our needs even before we do and provides accordingly.  Adam hadn’t realized that in all creation there’s not another like him, but God already was thinking of creating Eve for him (smile).  Even though I have read this story multiple times, last night I realized that God hears our prayers even before we have conjure them up in our minds.  He knows our needs way before we do and like He provided for Adam, God will provide for us. 

I also saw the importance of trust in our relationships.  God gives Adam and Eve everything, but He also gives them the law, you must not eat from this tree.  In all of creation God just limits one tree, in doing so, He is asking Adam and Eve to place their trust in Him.  God wants a covenant relationship with humanity and a covenant requires two things: trust and love.  Trust and love grow simultaneously, and God created us to freely love Him, to choose Him out of our own freewill.  He creates a paradise for us, makes us in His image and gives us the freedom to choose Him- speak of vulnerability!  Sometimes, I get scared in my efforts, I think what if he rejects my attempts to reach him, what if these small gestures of mine inflict me much pain later, all these negative what if’s… But when I think of the way God loves us, and how I must imitate His ways it gives me courage to be vulnerable to take a leap and trust a little more, to reveal a little more and to grow in friendship hopeful in the possibilities to come. Animo!

I love being a student, just sitting in a classroom learning deep truths makes me so happy and there's no subject that I most enjoy than learning about God.  Am so excited for the next three years of this program and the many subjects within my faith that I will explore.  We must always keep our faith active and moving.

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