Monday, August 27, 2018

My Weekend in Pictures

Hope you had a good weekend… Mine was a cause for celebration from healing physically and spiritually to celebrating one spoiled pup!
I got my stitches removed on Friday from the inside of my lip!  Hip-hip hooray.  Last week I went in for a dental procedure and the dentist accidentally cut me from the inside of mouth all the way out and over my lip.  The outside cut was superficial, but inside I had to get stitches. My nephew said I looked like a pirate with my temporary scar, luckily if has healed and I am back to eating and looking normally!
I was able to go to confession on Saturday.  Even though I try to go every couple months, it hasn’t gotten easier.  It still requires a lot of humility to admit my wrongs and my need for God’s grace.  Sometimes my shame is so great that I take the position of hiding behind the screen so that my confession will be completely anonymous.  I usually go in with a sense of defeat, a list that sometimes includes the same weaknesses and I wonder if I will ever be free of the bad habits that posses me?  After I give voice to my weaknesses there’s immediate relief as if just voicing them releases them from their strong possession.  Then, Father motivates and encourages me to continue growing, giving me advice and prayers to help me in the good battle before absolution.  As I sit in the pew after exiting the confessional I feel such deep joy one blended in hope that perhaps change is possible, that holiness can occur in my life with the help of the Church.   
National Dog Day, occurred on Sunday and one pup was spoiled to the core.  It’s such a different experience having a senior dog.  Dollar is mostly deaf, has agility issues and is losing his eyesight- even though he’s the same dog I’ve had for the past fifteen years he requires a bit more attention and a slower lifestyle with many adjustments.  Even so, he is so loved and cared for by the whole pack.  My parents shower him with attention – we all love him very much, no matter how old he gets.

Hope you had an equally full weekend. One in which the normal day things fill you with optimism for what lays ahead, because life is an adventure. Besos! 

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