Thursday, April 26, 2018

Finding God in California Roads

Do you believe in miracles?

I do.

A couple of weeks ago I was at the diocese taking classes.  It was after nine-thirty at night and I was exhausted!  As usual I rushed to the door as soon as we were excused, but was intercepted by a bubbly deacon's wife.  She wanted to know how I was doing.  She held me in conversation for a good five minutes and I was a bit frustrated because I just wanted to leave and hit the bed; yet, I obliged and stayed to talk to her.  Afterward, I rushed to my car and got on the freeway only to witness the aftermath of a horrible collision.  A truck had dropped two bundles of large, rolled-up carpet and three cars were flipped upside down after colliding with the carpet.  If I had been on the freeway at my regular time I am sure that I would have been involved in the car accident, but God through the interception of a kind lady kept me safe.  This experience is a moment in which I have been fully aware of a miracle happening in my life, but there are countless other times when God comes to my assistance with me unware.  I thought back at how annoyed I was because I couldn’t run out of class and how that precise moment kept me from hurt.
God is always at work in our lives, even during the moments when our own lenses blind us to His presence.  In California, there’s a lot of road rage especially at hours of high traffic.  A year ago, I started getting this horrible feeling that I was going to be involved in a car accident and I couldn’t shake the feeling away.  Then one morning my best friend, who is also the leader of our RCIA team, gave me a small, crystal angel.  She told me that she had been doing her make-up and saw the small angel figurine on her vanity and felt the need to give it to me.  She shared how much it meant to her and how she wanted me to have it to keep me safe.  After a few months of having unease thinking I was going to crash, this small angel erased all anxiety.  I told her that I knew exactly where I was going to place it or rather that I was going to keep it in my car to keep me safe on the road.  Am I saying that a crystal angel keeps me safe? No, real angels do that. That small figurine just reminds me that God is always with me and it prompts me to call on His army of angels when I am feeling anxious in traffic.     
I have known for some time that when I am stuck behind a red light or slow moving traffic that it’s just God’s way of keeping me from a possible accident.  Thus, I normally don’t have rage in California traffic, however, now I know that sometimes when a person who holds me up to chat, God is also working through that moment (smile).  

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