Monday, August 10, 2015

What I Learned Praying Novenas

A friend asked me to share some tips on how to make Catholic friendships, after she read my post she wrote back that she had never thought of asking God to bring a friend into her life.  I pray about everything, even when I am in crowded parking lot I ask God to help me find a space and after I’ve found the space I pray that He helps me park without hitting either car beside me (smile).  When my dog whimpers at night because he’s having a nightmare I get up and lay my hands over his cute head and pray the bad dream away.  Prayer in the Christian life is as important as breathing.  I have developed the habit of praying novenas with friends.  In Mexico, after someone dies we come together for nine days interceding for the soul of the departed by publically praying a novena.  Growing up I remember this cultural form of prayer; thus, I find it very comforting to pray with others for a mutual intention.  While some believe that novenas hold magical power and after the nine day prayer the special intention will be fulfilled – that’s not how prayer works.  To me novenas are about praying together and developing the habit of praying with those I care.  It’s about interceding for one another and getting the saints to help too.  Also, Jesus tells us to pray for one another and to devote ourselves to prayer.
My grandma passed away when I was about five years old and I remember vividly how after the funeral we’d gather together at my grandma’s house to pray a novena.  The house was full of family and friends and everyday a different friend would bring sweet bread and hot chocolate.  Each day after praying the novena we would end by having the goodies.  Though the pain of losing a loved one is immense I noticed that by the town coming together to pray it really helped my mom and her sisters realized that though they had lost their mother they were not alone.  There was this deep feeling of unity, community and love.  I always associated novenas with death and thought that they were only prayed for the souls of the departed.  Yet, when I learned that we can pray them for the living – novenas became a favorite devotion of mine. 
Three things I have learned from praying novenas:
  • The Practice is Biblical- After Jesus’s Ascension into heaven Mother Mary, the apostles and other followers prayed together for nine consecutive days concluding on Pentecost.
  • Families that pray together stay together- I have prayed numerous novenas with my two cruise angels and the process really has helped our relationship grow.  Though we are separated by great distance praying together has fortified our friendship.  It’s really cool knowing that others are praying for you and vice versa.
  • Ask, seek and you shall receive- Present your needs to God and have faith that He will provide knowing that it might take Him more than nine days for His time is perfect (smile).   
So, don’t feel pressured that after nine days something big has to happen- usually God works in small ways and in His own time frame.  Just enjoy praying together in unity with the saints, hopeful that God hears us and cares deeply about our supplications (smile).

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