Monday, August 17, 2015

This Girl is Pro-Life

A few weeks ago the Center for Medical Progress released a series of videos documenting the illegal selling of aborted baby parts by Planned Parenthood and its affiliates.  Watching the videos and the political and public response reminded me of a time during college where I too was pro-choice.  A woman’s right to choose sounded fair and progressive – yet, I never really explored the topic.  I just went along with friends and college mates wanting to sound forward-thinking.  There was even a time when I considered working for Planned Parenthood as a way to help the dozens of pregnant teens I encountered in my teaching experience.  I thought access to proper birth control would prevent teens from early, unwanted pregnancies…  My conversion challenged me to deeply explore my position on abortion and many other social justice issues. Simply put, for people to be pro-choice one must believe that life begins at birth.  That means that when you or your friend gets pregnant congratulations are unnecessary and a baby shower completely inappropriate because the baby is not a baby until it enters the world. Nevertheless, I have been to plenty of baby showers where the pro-choice parents celebrate the pregnancy and even have named what they would refer to as a fetus were it not their baby!  This leads me to believe that many people decide on when human life begins based on whether it’s a wanted pregnancy or in a desire to seem modern and tolerant.     
Our Christian faith teaches us that life begins at conception; thus, we can’t be pro-choice while trying to live authentic Christian lives.  For us, human life has dignity and value whether the pregnancy was planned or unwanted.  The conditions on how the baby was created does not have any relevance on whether it’s a human life or if the baby deserves to live. Scientist argue as to when human life begins, but God tells us clearly that He knew us even before we were born while we were in the womb He appointed us to great things.  I look back at the girl I used to be the one that rejected traditional values and thought that pro-choice sounded so fair and I realize that I was lazy.  I didn’t explore the issue deeply.  I think many of us are like the old me who get caught up wanting to sound open-minded and we form our opinions and take our stance based on fear of sounding intolerant and backwards.  Yet, tolerance is not about supporting modern choices over traditional values- it’s not about holding the popular stance because people won’t question it.  Tolerance means that I have a right to hold my opinion even if others disagree.  Yet, sadly our church is perceived as intolerable because of our traditional values.

When I came back to the Catholic Church I was a really misinformed, lazy liberal afraid to sound like a bigot.  I questioned everything about my faith and the things I didn’t understand scared me because God was challenging me to change and grow.  Slowly, with the help of my brothers in Christ (and other resources) I began to educate myself on social justice issues and I realized that love is so much more than a feeling.  To love means to make hard choices and many times to go against popular belief- always standing for truth.  Love makes us want the better for the other in this case the best for our society.  So, if you are pro-choice begin asking yourself when does human life begin?  When is a baby a baby? Explore issues with depth and an open heart. 

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