Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March Catholic of the Month

Surname: Hummingbird

Parish: The Transfiguration of our Lord 


God always provides, even when secluded on a ship full of strangers in the middle of the ocean He sends a much needed godly friend.  I was instantaneously attracted by her beautiful smile and her humble, happy way and as I progressed in knowing her I began to admire her faith.  After one night of dancing alongside Hummingbird I knew that we would be great friends.  While being on a singles cruise she didn’t have the desperate attitude of wanting to befriend only possible suitors and when I talked to her she looked at me not over my shoulder evaluating all the Catholic men on the ship.  She really embodied the Christian principle of loving everyone not only people that she would benefit from.  And when I surprisingly fell for the wrong man (he didn’t feel the same) on the cruise she motivated me to look at God and focus solely on Him so that I wouldn’t lose my peace.  There were many times that I shared the pains of my unrequited love and she prayed for me and encouraged me to lose myself in God's healing love.  It’s been over a year of this sweet friendship and now knowing her more intimately I see her firm stand in God’s truths and her ongoing positive charm and I thank God for sending me such a dear role model.

1.- What was your first encounter with God like? My first encounter (not considering the fact that God thought of me before I was conceived) happened in a more earthly, tangible way, when I was born (smile).  As far back as I can remember I have been in constant contact with Him daily.

2.- What has been your experience living/practicing your faith? I would like to exemplify my experience with this anecdote:  When I was around nine or so I watched the film Ladyhawke (highly recommend) through it I felt like God was confirming that I was not crazy for constantly being a chatterbox in His presence.  I discovered that like the character of Phillip Gaston “the Mouse” I too wanted to talk to God all the time (from the moment I learned to speak) and my relationship with God has grown since.  I feel like my faith has gotten stronger alongside my growing friendship with God and it’s because of our thick bond that I feel blessed and spoiled by my heavenly Father.

3.- How do you nourish your faith? With the grace of God through: the Holy Sacraments, constant prayer, daily Mass, weekly adoration and by being a catechist.

4.- How do you integrate your faith in your daily life? My life clings onto God and from that perspective I visualize each day through the eyes of my Catholic soul always attempting (very hard) to dominate my mind, body, and the actions that I produce each the day.

5.- What do you love about your faith? The unconditional, living presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!

6.- How does your faith help you grow? I try extremely hard to grow in faith, hope and charity (to the highest level).  In addition, I constantly pray that God diminishes my pride and arrogance and replaces them with humility.

7.- What does your faith mean to you? Everything.

8.- Why is your faith important to you? Why shouldn’t it be?  Through it, I remain alive and connected to my creator. I believe that if we are not able to recognize the importance of faith then we have chosen an empty, miserable and hard life.

9.- What are some activities you are involved in your parish? (In addition to my response to question three) I served God as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and currently I am part of the Catholic Singles Young Adult movement called “Crisalida.“ 

10.- One fun fact about yourself. I really enjoy finding God, His teachings and His guidance in everyday that my Lord blesses me with life.  In every fact, I see Him in every situation, sign, song, attitude, t.v. show, movie, etc. God is in everything, in everyone, everywhere - you just need to pay attention, and you will be able to find Him even in your own reflection!

She’s quite the catch am praying that she will meet her knight in charming armor soon because she is such a keeper!  In the meantime I will continue to enjoy this precious gift that God has given me in bringing her into my life. Praise God!

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