Saturday, August 21, 2021

Let Us Pray

Sometimes I get really discouraged about the future.  The most popular answer among the student population that I work with when asked: what do you want to be when you grow up? Is the next influencer or gamer.  No one wants a noble, traditional profession – now it’s about fame and money.  That’s what motivates todays youth.  I get discouraged because while my nephew actually wants to be an anesthesiologist (today), he still doesn’t see the need for God.  I usually am the one that tells his parents when it’s time for the Sacraments and these past few months trying to get them to agree to send my nephew to catechism has been met with numerous excuses.  “I’m not going, I don’t believe in that stuff.” “How can I force him to go when he doesn’t believe?”

I get frustrated because we raised a child who thinks that God and His Church is irrelevant.  Of course, I am not the parent and have tried in my own way to help him providing answers to all the questions that baffle him about the faith and dispute arguments like alien civilizations killing God, among other gnarly things he picks up from Reddit.  Yet, I find myself in the court alone as his parents are more focused on academics and what my nephew voices, then how much an encounter with God would change his life.

Sometimes, I get so discouraged, but then I think of my own conversion story.  I left the church and eventually was led back.  Maybe the same can happen to him, so while my actions are being met to deaf ears, my prayers will have to do.  Just like my mother prayed for me to find my way to God, I too must rely on that- even when I am so inclined to action.       

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