Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year Balloon Countdown Party

Happy New Year!  Goodness it has been a busy end of the year here in Penny Land, but not without its fun.  This is our second year having a family countdown party and it really is becoming a must do tradition.  On New Year’s Eve, after 5PM Mass, we gathered together for dinner before beginning our countdown promptly at 7PM.  Earlier in the day I setup six confetti balloons to be popped at every hour revealing the activity to perform at the assigned time.  The element of surprise along with the popping of a balloon proved to be a BIG hit with one eleven-year-old kid! 
Here's what our countdown looked like, beginning at seven at night taking us through midnight.  Every hour a balloon hides an activity to do together as a family.  While last year I used bags, popping a balloon proved to be more fun with my nephew.    
I found these confetti filled balloons at the Dollar Tree and before blowing I inserted a folded piece of paper with the activity to be performed at that hour, then I printed clocks with the assigned hour to be taped onto the balloon.
This kid couldn't keep his excitement for the countdown to begin and here he is at seven ready to pop the first balloon.  He went through several ways of balloon rupture, even using his bow and arrow once.
We played Loteria, watched a movie, played a Harry Potter board game...
Crafted or my sneaky way of teaching him to sew.  He made one bear on New Year's Eve and a smaller one the following day. At first he wasn't convinced about sewing...
But enjoyed it after he saw the finished product.
Then we had a Silly String, poppers fight (outside of course to minimize the mess).
As usual the adults gave up after the movie and left us kids to bring in the New Year just the three of us... Yep, Dollar made it to midnight (well taking a few naps in-between)!
A few minutes before midnight the last balloon was obliterated...
Revealing the last activity midnight kisses (in the ornament) and toasting time.
Happy 2018!
Here's a link to our last year Countdown Party 2017!

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