Thursday, January 26, 2017

Life Lately

My new year has been a compilation of activities at home.  I have been doing quite a bit of coloring, I didn't think that I would enjoy it as much as I do.  This coloring journal is absolutely perfect, after I color I can write my thoughts, It also has a prayer and a scripture reading on every page which makes it even more meaningful.  Colorful prayer is my new favorite form.  
I have also been reading, last year I didn't read a whole lot other than the material for my classes. This year I hope to read more books, especially from my personal library because I want to donate many of the ones that I only plan on reading once.  Read to declutter is my goal.  
I began with two biographies about two women whose lives were filled with a lot of suffering, one had a happy ending the other did not.  Jaycee Dugard the girl who was taken and found twenty-years later only two hours away from her home really caught my attention when the news stories poured in about her being found.  Browsing through the used book section at Savers I found a book written by her years after she was returned to her parents.  Her narrative is very powerful.  I totally recommend reading it.  I am still reading this Marilyn Monroe bio, but it's interesting to see that her life was not as glamorous as the pictures of her lead us to believe.
I am also half way through Mozart.  This book came with two audio CD's for listening to his music in some what of a chronological order of composition.  I've always enjoyed reading about the lives of others.  We all have a story to tell - one usually that shows our humanity, imperfections and suffering- these human stories make us relatable.  We can learn a lot from each other. 
Yesterday, after spending sometime at the library looking for Harry Potter novels, we took a short break in search of puddles for this kid to jump in. Coloring, books and nature have been the themes of this first month of 2017.  I quite like the way this year has begun. How is yours year going?  

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