Thursday, July 23, 2015

Leave Your Mark in Hearts

Once there was a pencil maker and before packaging his pencils he would tell each one the following, “I want you to remember four things wherever you go: you will always need a hand to guide you, at times you will need to be sharpened, what’s important is in the inside and leave a mark wherever you go.”  Father Martin shared this little Irish parable that has in its simplicity four very important lessons for each of us to draw from.  Let’s dissect it.
You will always need a hand to guide you. In our Christian walk we must always remember that we are not alone.  Many times we will need friends and loved ones to guide us through life, to help us make wise choices, to support and encourage us.  I love how Jesus sent his disciples in teams of two knowing how much we need each other.  In this culture where individualism is held so highly we need to have the humility to accept that as self-sufficient as we might be, life when shared reaches the magnitudes that God wants for us.  “Happiness is only real if shared,” after all.
At times you will need to be sharpened.  Pain helps us become better people and to expand in love.  When we go through heartaches we have two choices: to become bitter and harden our hearts or to allow the pain to shape us into more definite images of Christ.  After, I experience moments of great tribulation I always realize that God used those difficult experiences for my good- and though I whine and whimper during the process afterwards I always feel holier or at least a bit more mature (smile).  Pain also helps us relate to others and makes us more compassionate.
What’s important is in the inside. The magazines sell glamour which is shallow, but true beauty always has depth because it comes from the inside it’s the goodness of God in all of us.  Glamour gets boring and expires with every new trend, but beauty is classic and has layer upon layer to discover.  And the more we uncover the more beautiful each person becomes.   
Leave a mark wherever you go. Wherever life takes you be a blessing to others.  During my vacation, I spent some time with a couple living in sin and at every meal I would silently say grace.  They noticed that I would pray and slowly they started asking me questions about my faith. We had great discussions about Catholicism, Pope Francis and the purpose of life.   By the last day of my stay the man asked me if I could say grace out loud.  He and his lover bowed their heads in reverence and after grace he smiled huge before starting our meal.  Everywhere you go you leave a mark the type of mark you leave is your choice.

Sometimes little stories can teach us so much! This Pencil Parable moved me deeply and I wanted to share it with you, the wisdom is not my own it comes from Father Martin…  After my trip I learned that my friend’s sister committed suicide and next week I will be attending funeral services for her.  I also came back to work to learn that my boss was fired and now I have a new boss with a challenging personality.  Life is difficult and painful at times, but we always have a choice to smile trusting that God is our difference in this world.

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