Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Conversion is Ongoing

The Christian life must move forward, it requires movement, because like water if it remains stagnant it will rot and start to stink.  Father spoke about how we Catholics think of conversion as a process that happens overtime.  We are not the “once saved always saved” type of people because we believe that the journey of life is a process that enables us to grow in holiness.  Thus, our lives need to be lived with intentionality- we need to have goals that help us mature in faith and we need to act accordingly towards reaching our objective mas holiness- more God less me.  Depending where you are at in your spiritual journey it’s good to seek spiritual direction so that together with the help of another you can reflect and work on areas that God is highlighting.  I think sometimes we get caught up in trying to evangelize others that we forget that we also need to be evangelized. In fact, Pope Francis tells us that we must first evangelize ourselves.  Below are some activities which I have found help me grow more in Christ.  
Add one more day of Mass to your week- Your week’s most important commitment is the Sunday Mass you should be going regularly.  Now look around your area for another day during the week which works with your schedule and start attending.  We have the privilege of being able to receive daily communion- that’s an honor that a lot of people in the world don’t have.  Thus, look to add one more day during your week to allow the love o f God through His Word and Holy Communion to give you extra strength and guidance for your daily lives. 
Pray the rosary daily- Develop the habit of spending time with God in prayer.  I noticed that before I started praying the rosary on a daily basis my prayer life was very egocentric.  I would talk freely to God about me, me, and me… A lot of the time I would walk away from my time with God unchanged and dissatisfied.  As I began to let Mother Mary guide me (through the Holy Rosary) my prayer life changed drastically and became God centered.  Sure I still talk to God about my concerns, but now I desire more to be with Him interceding for others.
Join a Catholic group- Jesus sent out his disciples in groups of two because the world is full of temptation and hardship and Jesus knew the importance of a loyal friend to help during the troublesome journey.  In the same way we need to have close relationships with other Christians so that together we encourage, motivate and pray for one-another.  I know that my Catholic friends have helped me pursue God and to trust in Him.  Knowing that others practice my Christian lifestyle gives me courage to be loyal to God especially when I am out in the world with friends and loved ones who do not share my faith.     

Read the Bible and do spiritual reading- When I like a man I want to know everything about him- what he likes, dislikes, what makes him happy, sad angry, what his dreams are, who his family and loved are, what he values…  As the friendship grows between us so must our knowledge of one another.  Pope Francis gave a great Papal Audience on the importance of using the period of courtship as a period to really get to know one another- in the same way we need to desire that intimacy with God.  We need to want to learn more about Him by reading scripture.  Sometimes when we are new to reading God’s word a spiritual book can help inspire and encourage our faith.   
Go on retreat or pilgrimage- It’s good to get away from our routine and spend time with God and other Catholics.  There’s so many type of retreats and pilgrimages so find one that interest you and try it.  My spiritual life has benefited greatly from this practice of leaving my surroundings to be alone with God.  Not only are they fun, but so spiritually nourishing. 

These are five activities that I have found really help me continue growing as a Catholic, but there are many more.  God constantly shows me when I have outgrown something by giving me a new way to manifest my love for Him and to mature in my faith.  We must always remember that the Christian life is a ongoing journey and we must never feel like we have arrived at being Christian because there’s always more chiseling God can do in our beings if we just let Him (smile).

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