Monday, March 23, 2015

Serving Heals

A promise I made to my brother on his dying deathbed fueled my reversion into the Catholic faith.  In his memory I embarked on a spiritual journey, similarly God commands that our lives be testimonies of Him.  Many times in the Bible we hear the words, “do this in remembrance of Me.”  He wants to use us.  When I was a teacher I would choose the most difficult students to be my helpers- usually I would give them special jobs and that would make such a difference in their behavior- there’s power in serving.  We were created to be part of family- to be needed and dependent on one another and on God.  I remember when I had just returned to the Catholic Church- I was at Saint Francis Senior Home- I had signed up to volunteer for a few hours (with Jovenes Para Cristo).  Yet, I was so broken and my self-esteem was so low and I felt like I had nothing to contribute.  During our visit due to language barriers, Jovenes Para Cristo, chose me (on the spot) to lead the activities we had prepared beforehand.  At first I refused because I felt so small- yet I knew they needed my help because I was fluent in both languages.  That day while leading simple activities, talking to the abandoned and forgotten seniors, sharing laughs and just witnessing the joy that our small group brought them changed me.  I went into the senior home feeling so small and came out from those two-hours and a half of service feeling useful and full of purpose. 
God had used me, my brokenness, sadness, illness and defeat weren’t obstacles for Him to use me for His glory.  For those two plus hours - my life had meaning- I was needed, I made a difference…  After so much psychoanalysis, hours of countless therapy the simplicity of serving others did more for me than any scientific process could.  For a couple of years after that I became the coordinator that arranged the visits for Jovenes para Cristo to the home and I involved my dog.  My dog brought so much happiness to the women of the home- they always scolded me if I didn’t take him with me…  There’s so much need in the present world and no matter how small you might feel- know that God has always used the lowliest to manifest His glory.
My little Peanut in the many costumes he wore to serve the seniors!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about what Pope Francis spoke about in the “Joy of the Gospel”- this need for encounter- encounter with God and encounter with others.  Knowledge is extremely important- to know our faith is critical, but our testimony - THAT has compelling power!  To know about God and our faith is crucial, but to know God through our faith that is the essence of Christianity.  How do we get to know God?  One very easy way is through loving our neighbor through acts of sacrificial love.  The Gospels are testimonies of Jesus’ many encounters with others.  He came to serve and asks us to imitate Him.  Jesus had all types of friends, but He had a special place for the poor, the weak the marginalized…  As I began my conversion helping others became extremely important to me and any service opportunity I quickly signed up for it.  Soon my days were filled with service, but my family complained that I never made time for them.  I think sometimes when we are green Christians we think service means joining a crusade, going away on a mission - doing something big and important.  Yet, service should never be a cause for a puffed up Spirit.  The most important place to begin our service is in our homes, with our families and those we love.  Helping out in very small, everyday ways- that's what God wants more of.  Just normal everyday people in ever day life loving in extraordinary ways.         

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