Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Godly Friendships

I had been running Lenten and Advent bible studies at my home for a couple years and last Christmas some of my friends decided that it would be awesome if we could rotate host homes.  This Lent my friend has been leading our small faith sharing group at her home- and I must say it’s nice to be the guest (smile).  The chats that we have while exploring scripture are really profound- just full of substance.  These deep conversations and moments together have helped us build strong bonds and to get to know each other in ways that without Christ takes years (if it ever really happens).  I often hear people comment on how once they started really living out their faith they lost many of their friends- my experience has been the opposite, since my conversion my friends have multiplied.  My non-Christian friends have been awesome and supportive in my new found journey, and though at times I do feel a little pressure to digress (in the drinking and partying side) my friends motivate me to continue living a life modeled after Jesus.  I shared with Father this dilemma- about sometimes feeling like I need to drink and play the fool to relate to my old acquaintances and his solution was to hang out with godly friends more often so that when I am out in the secular world I am encouraged by my tight faith circle to be the light of the world.  These small faith sharing groups really help me because all of the girls that gather want a greater spiritual life, to know God more intimately and strive for holiness. We learn a great deal from each other’s testimony- especially as we open up about our struggles trying to live out our faith- and we pray together for the needs that each of us have.  These bible studies truly are a blessing!  I encourage you to get involved in a small faith sharing group or to start one in your home.  Growing in your faith with others truly is a blessing that will inspire and rejuvenate your relationship with God- and will also bless you with other people who want the best for you.

Am very blessed because God has given me so many great people – especially women to walk towards Him in unison.  When I am down, they cheer me on.  When I am hurting over a heart ache they motivate me to not give in to self-pity.  When I am tired and hopeless they encourage me.  When I am closed off they don’t let me get away with superficial answers to questions, but dig deep until they know what’s really going on in my life.  When I am struggling with sin they hold me accountable.  When I don’t want to talk they wait until I am ready to share.  When I am confused they offer godly council and they understand me in ways many don’t.  But most importantly they pray with me and for me- AND they genuinely love me EVEN with all of my baggage and all of my weaknesses…  Life is hard, but when you have a strong core group of people who share your faith- you realize that we were made to live in community that in order to reach sanctity we need each other.  I often think that God has given me so many friends because He knows how needy I am – and with the number of friends I have, He is able to spread the burden of me among many shoulders (smile).  I guess it takes a village to keep me sane (smile)!  
Our personal Lenten intentions to grow in. 

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