Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mother Mary Model for Motherhood

On Sunday my nephew had his Christmas piano recital and this year he got a really difficult song, one that he never got into.  Though he practiced, he had difficulty ending the song.  During the concert he couldn’t finish his piece. “I just can’t remember how to end it,” he blurted and the audience responded with laughter.  He sat in front of the piano for a few more seconds unsure of what to do.  He was about to cry when my sister called him over, “its ok honey, come here.” And she gave him a big hug and helped him off the stage…  There’s so much goodness in the love of a mother.  I think that women who take on that role are really some of the most valiant women on earth.  It takes great strength and selflessness to love unconditionally, to care and show hope no matter the failures of their children.  For a long time I didn’t want to have children because I was afraid of the inevitable pain kids inflict on their parents.  My siblings and I have really hurt my mom.  As I observed our past indifference, rebellion, rejection, shame, selfishness, addictions… Our past immature way of taking things out on her must have all been so painful. These reflections caused me to focused on the pains of motherhood and that’s a role I avoided with all my might. 

As I began to study love after my conversion- I found a more mature definition to love than just good feelings.  I realized that true love endures all and suffers all. As I studied the gospel reading for this fourth Sunday of Advent, and reflected on Mother Mary- I just can’t comprehend (in my smallness) her willingness to do God’s will.  From the moment she conceives her troubles begin- yet, she loves and protects her baby.  When she loses Jesus at the temple she goes frantic with fear, when Jesus denies her during His ministry am sure she felt extremely hurt, and when He died on the cross her heart pierces.  In Mary- we have a perfect example that love hurts; yet, hopes for the best and does not surrender.  God gives us His perfect mother as our model.
In recent years- God has healed this fear of motherhood in my heart and now I want kids.  For the longest time I denied this natural desire (due to fear), but now I want to be a mom.  I know that as in all the roles and missions that God has sent me He has provided and if I become a mother someday He will give me the courage for my calling.  My sister has always been a bit of a wimp- but the moment she found out she was pregnant this protective, mother bear persona just appeared in her character.  Motherhood has really transformed her.  Real love transforms and arms us with the needed interpersonal qualities and strengths to do what needs to be done.  People say there are no manuals on how to be good parents- but I think in Mary we have a pretty good model for motherhood (wink).      

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