Thursday, December 11, 2014

Good Things Happen on Cloudy Days

I love cloudy days! In California we don’t get very many of ‘em.  Perhaps because they are such a rarity I tend to truly enjoy them.  On cloudy days there just doesn’t seem to be as much activity in the city. When I walk my dog around familiar neighborhood streets quiet accompanies our treks- just my pal and I – alone in the empty streets.  It’s as if we are transported into a quieter city or a less active state.  Without any passersby’s to distract us, I feel a good kind of alone (smile).  The scenery looks quite different too.  The trees look bolder against the unfamiliar grey sky- I feel like if my life ever becomes a novel overcast skies would make the ideal backdrop.  And on those cloudy days, as I walk my furry friend I pretend that we are in a novel and anything can happen during our routine walk.  Those cloudy days inspire endless wonder and possibility.  In real life we have had some interesting days like the time my dog got attacked by a pitbull, or the time he stepped on a fallen beehive, or the time he pulled a muscle and I had to carry him a mile to my car… But I think those adventures happened on overpopulated sunny days!  On cloudy days only good things can happen (wink). 

I make an effort to be cheerful because smiles just shine brighter on cloudy days…  Most days I prefer to be alone and fewer days in the company of other people.  On cloudy days I rather the company of man’s best friend and to internalize the overcast beauty of God’s creation.  I’ve heard of dog owners who talk to their animals insistently- my dog and I, we, rarely have vocal conversations most of the time we are like two old people that have been together for so long that words are no longer of any importance…

On this particular cloudy day- I have decided to let go and let God.  It seems like a great day to put in the hands of God all that troubles me- only He knows the worries of my heart and today the cotton skies want to absorb my pathetic anxiety.  It sucks being a lousy wooer- and perhaps I suck at it because I am not supposed to be the wooer after all in God’s plan I am the woman the one that waits to be wooed.  Anyway, today seems like a good day to let go to this attitude that I must do in order to keep the fire in my heart burning over a man that is clearly not interested in me.  “Little by little I’ll stop loving you,” echoes Pablo Neruda – after all love is a choice and if only one person has chosen to love the other in romantic matters that is just not enough.  Thus, today I surrender this need to act, to reach out, to love someone who doesn’t want to be loved by me.  Just thinking that I am walking away, without regrets because I actively fought to win the affections of my beloved- and he didn’t reciprocate gives me some consolation.  Only good things happen on cloudy days; today I return to God casting my worries and failures- knowing that He has a plan for my life and for my heart.  This choice gives me peace- my life esta cien por ciento en tus manos Dios mio.     

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