Friday, January 3, 2014

Sweet Nothings

I began my year reading… Books are so much fun, last year I read ninety-two books – I guess that makes me a nerd!  During Christmas my sis gave me a book on shoes! I love to learn and this year I want to learn about fashion with an emphasis on vintage.  I struggle with vanity and commercialism because I, like most women enjoy shopping.  While 90 percent of what I wear are second hand items I am probably one step away from hoarding (yikes)!  I have hundreds of books and shoes and while this year I also want to focus on cleansing myself of many material possessions- this post has to do more with my love of books.  Being an English major makes me quite a book snob- I lean more toward classics and well written contemporary works, but I also like adding a touch of plain fun here and there.  And of course the smart shopper in me never pays full price. 
Browsing Around...

For Christmas I got a few gift cards and one of them was to Barnes and Noble.  So, the other day I decided to spend time there browsing for books that I want to buy online at a better deal.  I found three that after going through them looked like they had a lot of substance and possibility (smile).  But I decided to buy one book at a time to avoid the clutter.
My Wish List...

My friend told me that when looking for a man I need to hang out in places that I enjoy so that the possibility of finding someone who I have something in common with is greater.  It’s wonderful advice, but when I am in a bookstore I get lost in books and forget to look around… I really have no game (boo).  Until recently I didn’t even think guys existed who liked books as much as me- I thought all guys loved sports and that I was sentenced to tolerate endless ESPN hours or even worse endless hours of video games.  I am a girl’s girl- and for the past six years I thought the consecrated single life was my vocation, thus I have no clue on how to find a man. --- I don’t know how books led to a conversation on my lack of game (SMILE).
Some Learning on a cold day.

Back to books, I love learning about everything.  If I had the money and time I would go to university for the rest of my life!  In fact, when I imagine heaven I think of it as a big school where I can go learn all sorts of things for infinity; like ballet dancing one day, philosophy the next day, playing the piano, cooking etc.  Gosh, this post is just a bunch of ramblings…           

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