Thursday, March 22, 2018

Becoming Little a Step Towards Holiness

Once, among a group of Catholics, I made a comment that a Catholic woman found lacking and she told me quite directly that I was only expressing myself as a person at a lower level of faith (a beginner) and she having practiced her faith throughout her life was in a higher level of spiritual understanding and development.  Her comment made me feel inferior and for some time I thought that maybe she was right that developmentally in matters of faith there was some hierarchy, at the same time I wished I wouldn’t arrive there if it gave me notions of being better than others.  Quite a few years have passed since this interaction and while I would say that my faith has become more mature, I don’t think I would describe it as making me better than or in higher sanctity realms than others.  Recently, in my latest class for my Master Catechist Certificate,  I thought I would finally come across the stages of higher faith since the class title was "Faith Formation."  I was even looking forward, though quite apprehensive, to theologians' descriptions of this higher level of Catholic spirituality.  Yet, after reading expert works I found no reference to elitism within Catholicism.  In fact, the opposite seems to happen, as we grow in faith our virtues grow and humility becomes a way of life.  Faith development does happen in stages, but it’s a growth in "faith maturity," a personal maturity that walks the believer from a child’s faith into an adult faith.  This development occurs in many ways, at times the involvement of others is needed while at other times it occurs in an intimate, personal manner between Creator and created being.
A kid that brings out the child in me.

In the Child’s Way, each person begins with an imaginative and literal faith.  God is trustworthy because during this phase children perceive their world as all good and positive.  Stories about God shape our understanding of him.  We perceive Him as a grandfather figure with white hair in a throne in heaven looking down on us ready to intervene when we need help.  In The Youth’s Way, group faith takes more precedence because finding others that share the same morals and ideals gives us courage to continue exploring and growing in our faith.  During adolescence there’s this shift and friendships now dominate our lives, in this period God becomes our friend much like a trusted companion.  Though we begin this period trying to fit-in, conforming to the expectations, values and understandings of significant groups to which we belong, this group inclusion eventually gives us courage to ask questions.  In the Adult’s Way, we begin to ask questions that might be controversial and uncomfortable.  We probe for deeper meaning and understanding of our faith life.  We begin to take ownership of our beliefs and can now endure the pain of standing at odds with others.
I do believe that the adult stage needs to be broken into Young Adult and Mature Adult because while in the Adult’s Way we begin to question our religious expression more profoundly, there has to come a time when we arrive at sacrificial and mystical faith.  A place where we are so joined with God that, “The life I live now is not my own; Christ is living in me (Galatians 2:20).”  This mature adult faith is the place where saints dwell.  A place a few reach this side of heaven, but definitely not an elitist group.  From the beginning God wanted us all to be in communion with Him and with others, to live in His presence and in community, never did He say, "you can only come to me by reaching a top spiritual level where you can look down upon your brothers and sisters."  In fact, Jesus taught the opposite: “change and become like little children,” “humble yourselves,” “serve each other in love,” “my power is made perfect in weakness,” “he made himself nothing by taking the nature of a servant, being made in human likeness…”  The bible is full of verses, narratives and examples of becoming little in order to grow in godliness.  In the biggest miracles of all, God becoming man, we see that God for love of us - inhabited His created world! He came into His creation no longer being a God in the distance, but One so close we can touch Him.
Never too old for Peanuts leggings!

Our current Pope, loves to ask people everywhere he visits for prayers.  He even has stated in numerous occasions that he is a sinner.  I would think that a man at his level of service to our church would hold a spirituality that would leave commoners in shame; yet, he too humbles himself and these acts of humility are what have gained him the favor of even people outside of the church.  Not once in his defense has he stated, “Well, you just don’t get it because you are at a lower spiritual level than me.”  I think the mere statement is close to heresy.  Through study of faith formation, I have learned that there are stages of growth that each believer encounters, revisits and grows from in this journey towards heaven, but I have yet to find an elitist mentality that gives believers the excuse to sit up on a throne and criticize and judge others as lower in the totem pole.  Some experiences get ingrained in our minds until the truth sets us free.  For years now, I thought in my studying I would come across these levels of spiritual hierarchy and while some great minds have written beautifully about the levels in spiritual formation- I now know that as we move towards deeper communion with God we begin to see our smallness in comparison.  This smallness places us in right relationship with an omniscient God, a God so great that there’s no need for us to be anything but little.  

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