Monday, December 2, 2013

My Feliz Cumpleaños

I have so much to catch-up on, am going to work my way backward.  On Saturday, I celebrated my happy birthday and it was a day of blessing after blessing. In the morning, I woke up to my nephew serenading me with his latest learnt song on the piano, “Happy Birthday.”  Then my sister put “Mirando al Cielo” (from the new banda cd my brother-in-law gave me for my birthday) and my nephew asked me to dance.  We dance our first dance ever around the kitchen floor -he’s going be such a ladies man!  After that we went to Park Bench Café for breakfast- the pet friendly café is located outside in Central Park.  So, after a yummy breakfast with my family (Dollar included) we went for a walk.

Celebrating with my family...
Cake & Drinks
Some of the 80's outfits

There’s a saying that states something to the effect that you can’t choose your family- but when it comes to friends those are left to your selection.  In my chosen family of friends, I have those who have been around since I was a little girl, high school; college, work and my most recent addition- my church buddies.  God has blessed me with women of great character who influence and challenge me to be a better version of myself- who care and love me unconditionally like sisters.  This year they dressed up in their totally, radical 80’s outfits and gave me the greatest gift – their company.  My mommies came out to the dinner portion of the night and made me feel so special by the effort it took to be present for my big day.  My single hotties dance the night away with me, designated a driver for the night, bought me birthday drinks, took silly pictures with me, and made me feel like a queen with their attentiveness. I love all my girls!   

"I want to dance with somebody...
Somebody who loves me..."

The day had its challenges like having to move the dinner venue for the twenty-five guests at the last minute to another restaurant after the one I was hoping to celebrate at told me they couldn’t accommodate us.  I whispered a prayer and God lead us to Acapulco’s where they took us in right away.  The cake I ordered, looked a lot smaller in real life than what I expected- I was afraid that it wasn’t going to feed the amount of friends that came out to celebrate with me – though God didn’t multiply it (like the loaves and fish) we had enough and plenty left over (smile).  When we made it to Hully Gully I finally relaxed and had an amazing night full of happy moments and a lot of dancing with all my best friends!  Gracias Diosito for another splendid year of life and another enjoyable birthday celebration.
Material Girls!
Happy Birthday to me :o)

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