Monday, December 6, 2021

My Technology Break

For Thanksgiving Break I wanted a break from all technology so forgive me for going MIA for a couple of weeks.  I was tired, burned out from being in front of a screen that as a gift to myself I took some time off.  During that break I did many things that inspired as well as refreshed me.  I began with a visit to the new Saint Michael’s Abbey- I hadn’t been to the new relocation site, since accidently driving there once when it was just a patch of dirt.  While the construction continues the abbey is now open to the public!  I was able to see some of the artists working on the murals for each of the chapels.  It was great to be inside and witness how the place of worship slowly comes together.  I can’t wait until the Abbey Church is completed!

That first Monday of my Thanksgiving Break, I drove up there in the mid-morning hours to avoid traffic and the drive especially when I made it up to the hills was so relaxingly peaceful.  I loved feeling like the road was for me only because I got to enjoy the gorgeous Silverado Hills.  I entered into God’s presence as I drove towards the abbey and when I arrived there were only two people in the Church in addition to the quiet artists painting away.  I walked very slowly touring the main Church just admiring the architectural design and the work that was slowly underway.  I got to see the dedication chapels blank just holding the name of the saint that would soon be depicted in colors.  It was quite exciting to see that many saints that I hold dear will have a chapel dedicated to them and hold their relics! 

While I sat there enjoying the sun shinning through stained glass windows, I knew that like the old abbey this place would become a favorite praying spot, a place close to home to retrieve to in moments of needed spiritual fueling.  I lost track of time and soon I was praying the Sext along with the Norbertine Fathers and seminarians.  It was such a treat to listen to them chant!

Spending half of the day at the abbey was the best way to begin a week that has been so instrumental in finding relief from all the stress that I felt.  My time off with each activity added life to my burning candle and now I feel so ready for Advent and for celebrating the birth of our Savior.  Next on my list, confession so that my heart is pure to receive the Babe Jesus.     

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