Thursday, April 24, 2014

Softball & Overcoming Anxiety

One morning early last week I was deciding how to continue motivating myself to lose weight; I was seriously pondering the idea of joining a ballroom dance class so that item twenty-three of my 33 before 34 could be crossed off when I got an unexpected email from my best friend.  She asked me very nonchalantly if I might be interested in joining a softball team.  At first, the idea didn’t really appeal to me since memories from my former teenage athletic self, recalled my inability to hit a ball with a bat.  Yet, I later found out that a group of my coworkers had started the company team and they needed one more person to be complete.  In an impulsive moment I accepted the challenge and signed up.  Miracles still happened in these modern times because during our first day of practice I manage to hit almost every ball that was pitched to me--- with a BAT!  I couldn’t hide my joy nor my shock.  Now my hope is that it won’t be a one-time occurrence, but that I will manage to hit the ball on game day too (smile).  Tonight is our first game under the City of Irvine Softball League so prayers are welcomed.
Number 33 for Jesus

I love getting older, I am more comfortable with myself and more daring.  As a young person who suffered from untreated social anxiety I never really took risks- most of the time I was hiding and making excuses to avoid people.  Now, after some years in therapy and stability on medication I surprise myself.  Little accomplishments like joining a softball team (while knowing from past experiences that I couldn’t hit a ball) make me so exceedingly grateful.  While for most people there’s nothing grand about trying new things those who suffer from anxiety understand the nervousness of new things can be crippling.  Sometimes the fear of new situations can be so overwhelming that many sufferers avoid leaving the comfort of their established routine in order to avoid those unpleasant feelings.  Therefore, it’s fitting that variations of Do not be afraid are mentioned in the Bible more than three-hundred times.  God knew that we would need to be reminded again and again (some of us a little more than others) that if God is for us who can be against us?  Thus, through the grace of God and the doctors He provided I am becoming quite a fearless woman (smile).
Let the games begin.

Life is beautiful, especially for those of us who suffer from anxiety and rise above it!  We who face the hardships of our dark struggle are humbled by His continuous deliverance.  I am able to appreciate God more and my dependence in Him strengthens knowing that I need His ever present power every single day. Amen!  I am learning to love my weaknesses because they are the areas in which the Holy Spirit is most present and most obliging (smile).  As time goes by these weaknesses and struggles are redeemed and healing continues to occur giving me more peace and strength to live to the best of my abilities.  Everything in me is made new: “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old is gone; a new life has began!” (smile) 

We Didn't Lose We Just Ran Out of Time