Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My One Weakness

Recently I watched, “Lark Rise to Candleford,” I love pieces that are set in simpler times and BBC productions are usually pretty AWESOME!  One of the leading characters, Dorcas Lane, is constantly pointing out her ever changing “one weakness” and I love that about her - so much so that I decided to steal her idiosyncrasy.  Today, I will focus on my one weakness (smile). 

The Japanese Garden at the Huntington Library.

My one weakness is that I tend to be very open in all aspects of my life.  I love sharing stories that I have lived especially ones in which I have learned great lessons - Gabriel Garcia Marquez had this great one liner, “Tell me a story and if necessary exaggerate.” (Smile) Stories, that’s really what life consists of– moments so special that require retelling and passing forward… Maybe that’s why I majored in English Literature – the longing for a good story has taken me in many surprising quests and when the time is right I too like sharing my very own.  But recently, I discovered that my stories are not my own - for many different characters play important roles in all of my tales.  I have written excerpts here about myself and in doing so have also revealed traits of the protagonists in my life.  For to write about me is to write about everyone involved – I am utterly dependent on others it’s part of love: I need them because I love them.  However, I never asked anyone for permission to write about them because I truly believed the stories were mine to tell. Now am not so sure… I decided to venture on a one- year long blogging adventure (on my own) and to my surprise I am taking many passengers… 

The Shakespeare Garden at the Huntington Library.

My one weakness is I am an open book and anyone can turn to any page they want and I am comfortable sharing – even those really difficult things that people hide I am accessible– I guess I always thought that part of releasing all shame one carries was letting go of it all. To not hold on to anything and to tell the stories that must be told… 
The Huntington Residence.

All day my mind has been occupied with the topic of overexposure in social media.  I see posts on Facebook that make me blush and I thought is this what I am doing here- overexposing myself and those that I love?  I even thought of deleting this virtual book (today) before the end of my one-year commitment…  My one weakness is that I am extremely intense and I have no concept of superficiality.  In this little corner of the world God has helped me see my reflection in my writings and I like what I see.  I love telling honest stories especially tough ones that at times feel like possible overexposure, they are by no means meant to be gossip, nor a desire for attention, nor boastful tales…  I like them to be a reflection of me in Christ of my failings and my unrelenting desire to be more Penny- God has given me so much, in this instance the ability and desire to write and I thought maybe I can put that little talent to use so that when He comes for me He will know that I put everything He gave me to work for the Kingdom. Unfortunately, at times I will take some characters along for the ride my hope is that I will honor them along the way... 
Fork in the road...

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