Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Love is a Verb

I recently read an article that stated that Americans spend over four hours a day watching television and another five in electronic activities (phones, tablets, internet, etc.).  I don’t own a TV, but on days when I have no energy I am guilty of watching Netflix for hours on my laptop.  Yet, no amount of TV watching will give me the high that volunteer work does.  I started volunteering at Saint Francis Senior Home back when a priest opened my eyes to the therapeutic benefits of volunteer work.  For over a year, I coordinated events for the senior home even my dog became a service dog!  He would go and perform for them or just dazzled the ladies in crazy holiday outfits his momma made him wear (smile).  The ladies at the senior center loved him so much that if I went without him, they would make me go back home and get him and he loved the attention. It was a win-win: he would wear them out and they would wear him out (smile).

 Carnival Day at Senior Home Dollar the Clown
I hand made this outfit!
Christmas wouldn't be complete without Santa Dog!

Then I worked for three years as the secretary of the Hispanic Council for Saint Barbara Parish.  This position helped me learn about how a parish is run and gave me a greater appreciation for our priests- they seriously do too much!  I enjoyed my time serving at the parish (even though I hate meetings and we had quite a few of those) we brought a lot of positive change to the community.  In between all this I also helped a grassroots effort to feed homeless that linger outside the Santa Ana Court House and ministered to women and children in a shelter in Tijuana, Mexico.  With Jovenes Para Cristo I also helped in the prayer ministry during various adult retreats. 

 After praying continually for three days for our retreat candidates, tired but happy!
Servants of God, Group Shot!

Currently, I began helping out with the Confirmation program at my parish.  On Saturday, I served at my first adolescent retreat and the thing about God is that usually one will sign up thinking, “I am going to go give it my all for Christ,” only to figure at the end of the evening that what one receives is much greater than any of one’s efforts offered.  I left the retreat with a cold, but my spiritually was rejuvenated and my spirit is still dancing in the aftermath.  To see fourteen-year-olds having their first encounter with God, to see the transformation that took place in the space of a few hours – these kids arrived with an indifferent spirit towards God and by the end something in their reflection changed, they couldn’t put it to words, but I saw it in their relax, joyful attitude.  My little small group did a 180 from the moment they arrived to the moment they went home. Wow, God is good!

 Having a delicious pasta dinner that our deacon prepared for us! 
Confirmation Year One Students & Leaders!

I lead a busy life, almost every night I’m either serving in a ministry or am getting formed in a study.  And I never have been happier!  I think part of the secret to happiness is loving your brother as yourself and love is a verb so put it to action!  

Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall Fest

Two saints at the craft table

If you can’t beat them - join them… Part of the allure of Halloween is dressing up and getting lots of candy; thus, in recent years some Christian churches have started having fall events at their parishes that incorporate costumes and candy.  For example, at my home parish we have what we call “Fall Fest Celebration.” For this event we ask the children (and adults) to dress up as their favorite saint.  This is an opportunity for families to do some research on saints and to celebrate their Catholic Heritage by wearing a costume.

Saint Helena
It’s an event that my nephew and I started participating just last year.  Usually he will come up with a costume and then we look to see if there’s a patron saint for it.  For example, last year he was a police officer so we found in our research that Saint Michael the Archangel is the defender of Israel and the leader of angels and therefore the patron saint for police officers.  This year, he’s a Disney pirate so we found out that Saint Nicolas the Wonderworker is the patron saint of sailors he also happens to be Santa Claus which my nephew found rather amusing.  I decided to join in the fun and became Saint Helena of Constantinople for the night.

Prehistoric Pets
Prince Charming Bull Frog
Giant Tortoise

The festivity was loads of fun!  We had a show from Prehistoric Pets with all types of creepy crawlers like snakes, lizards and more cold-blooded creatures! We also got see many saints walking around even though my pictures didn't capture them. Then the kids got to go to various stations and play games or sit at tables and do crafts.  Snacks and beverages were served and my nephew got a lot of candy throughout the night.  It was a spectacular night – even though I am suffering from a terrible cold- we got to bond and he gets to see how our faith is such a neat celebration year round!
 Saint Nicolas the Wondererworker Carrying the Python

Friday, October 25, 2013

Babies, Babies, Babies

This is a good size, they are no longer breakable in my opinion.

Recently I read an article about a widespread fear many women currently are suffering from: BABIES!  Now while many people might find this humorous, I mean seriously, how could people (especially women) be afraid of babies, as a recovering (yet not fully recovered) baby scaredy cat I must share my story…  One there’s the tiny factor - they are just too darn small!  I mean seriously how parents handle those fragile little critters is just astonishing.  I have nine nieces and nephews (8 thru friendship) and at each after birth hospital visit I get the worst case of nerves.  As the parents proudly hand over their creations to Tia Penny I get super tense and my mind repeats the same phrase continuously, “do not drop or break the baby!”  I am one that if need be I do confront my fears, thus, I came up with a fail-proof baby holding process: one sit down, two boppy pillow goes around my tummy, three parent hands over baby, four don’t move (smile).
My Goddaughter.

Yesterday, something marvelous happened!  My close friend had her first baby boy (on Wednesday) and I went to visit her at the hospital and she of course wanted to share her little miracle (I followed the steps to the baby holding process), but then she asked me to help her feed and burp him and guess what?! Her soothing voice and calming confidence helped me be more relaxed with her infant I even ventured out and talked to him! By and by I am becoming a natural. (SMILE) 

Boppy Pillows are awesome.

I am just so amazed how mothers change forever the moment they hold their babies an instinctual change happens and they become fearless protectors.  The wimpiest woman becomes the most courageous mother!

I have quite an impact on the little ones, I smile while he cries LOL!

I am really tense here!

Here’s a secret, when I adopted my doggie I purchased many dog training books and I apply some of the techniques that Dog Training for Dummies taught me with children.  I mean seriously raising a child requires similar skills to training a dog (no offense meant here). Both require you to be nice always even if they pee on the furniture, getting in the habit of giving commands creates a good balance, using their name for training minimizes confusion and teaches them their actual name, consistency in your actions and expectations helps built their self-esteem, socialize him/her is crucial, reward & praise correct behaviors...  I put a lot of these strategies to use when I taught preschool and several times I caught myself saying to the children, “good boy.” (smile)

I like to stand on the side while someone else holds the newborn.

In a perfect world, children would be born at the age of two when they are walking and starting to talk and hopefully potty trained!  But these are the views of someone who has never been pregnant nor held a baby that was of my own being.  I imagine that if I ever have biological children I will read actual baby books and learn skills that are meant for children in their developmental stages and my thoughts will mature on the subject.  But for now, I am proud of my slow progress and thankful for the trust that my friends and family have bestowed – though after reading this they might change their minds about Tia Penny (wink).    
 Looking good aunties for the second time this past year.
 Wednesday's newest addition
 This is a good size I think!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Down Memory Lane

For the past five or so years I have done creative birthday celebrations… When my friends and I were "younger," wild and free we used to go clubbing for all of our birthday celebrations, but as we matured we started doing mellower activities like brunch or dinner.  While those activities are super fun - on my birthday I enjoy using my imagination and my beloved friends suffer through my creativity quite rapturously! 
Happy Birthday to me!

The first- non-clubbing year I cooked dinner and had my best friends over -I didn’t poison anyone so that was a major success!  After dinner, we headed to the South Coast Repertory for the most depressing play ever, Saturn Returns, which I absolutely loved (smile)!  At the time, I was coordinating volunteer events for Saint Francis Senior Home and the play fittingly hit the theme of abandonment and loneliness that our elderly suffer in this country- while highlighting the fullness of the protagonists’ youth…  It was such a bittersweet story that killed the party mood, but had me reflecting all night on some powerful themes.

My Cake decorated with roses from my daddy's garden!
The next year, I was super in love with God and I wanted to do something incredibly nice for all my bestest friends who stuck by my side all those years.  So, I rented a limo and we went down Penny’s memory lane.  The limo driver headed to places that hold great meaning to me and in each of the stops I celebrated one of my friends.  In addition, we had activities to do at each stop, like making bird feeders and hanging them on trees at Central Park to commemorate my love of nature, poetry readings at another location, taking a tour of the Christian Broadcasting Network, getting serenaded… Finally, ending the night with dinner at the fancy Orange Hill Restaurant.

Surrounded by angels!

Year three, I was addicted to the legal thriller Damages and my idea came from the show.  In the show, the lead Ellen Parsons lives dangerously trying to figure out the conspiracy surrounding her fiancés murder and as a protective measure learns to shoot a gun...  I think I got too engrossed in the show because I decided that learning to shoot a gun would be very beneficial to my safety (smile).  Again, my friends and I headed to the shooting range where thanks to my Veteran friend for passing the operating a gun test we were able to shoot guns! I am dangerous with a gun so watch out!

Inflicting Damage.
The Bad Girls!

Last year, I was heads-over-heels in love with the fascinators that the Duchess of Cambridge wears and decided a Mad Hatters Tea Party was in order and again my friends lovingly obliged.  We went to Queen’s Bakery and like classy English ladies we sipped on a variety of tea’s and lunched on yummy salads, finger sandwiches, scones and petit fours.

Styling girls!
Keeping it classy!

This year the theme is 80’s since I was born in the eighties and I feel like dancing.  A friend pointed out a great 80’s dive bar that plays English 80’s in one room and Spanish 80’s in another room- that sounds like heaven! And though my birthday is still a month away, I am already getting ready I found quite a few like totally fun accessories at a yard sale- that are like so radical (smile)!    

My finds can't wait!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My One Weakness

Recently I watched, “Lark Rise to Candleford,” I love pieces that are set in simpler times and BBC productions are usually pretty AWESOME!  One of the leading characters, Dorcas Lane, is constantly pointing out her ever changing “one weakness” and I love that about her - so much so that I decided to steal her idiosyncrasy.  Today, I will focus on my one weakness (smile). 

The Japanese Garden at the Huntington Library.

My one weakness is that I tend to be very open in all aspects of my life.  I love sharing stories that I have lived especially ones in which I have learned great lessons - Gabriel Garcia Marquez had this great one liner, “Tell me a story and if necessary exaggerate.” (Smile) Stories, that’s really what life consists of– moments so special that require retelling and passing forward… Maybe that’s why I majored in English Literature – the longing for a good story has taken me in many surprising quests and when the time is right I too like sharing my very own.  But recently, I discovered that my stories are not my own - for many different characters play important roles in all of my tales.  I have written excerpts here about myself and in doing so have also revealed traits of the protagonists in my life.  For to write about me is to write about everyone involved – I am utterly dependent on others it’s part of love: I need them because I love them.  However, I never asked anyone for permission to write about them because I truly believed the stories were mine to tell. Now am not so sure… I decided to venture on a one- year long blogging adventure (on my own) and to my surprise I am taking many passengers… 

The Shakespeare Garden at the Huntington Library.

My one weakness is I am an open book and anyone can turn to any page they want and I am comfortable sharing – even those really difficult things that people hide I am accessible– I guess I always thought that part of releasing all shame one carries was letting go of it all. To not hold on to anything and to tell the stories that must be told… 
The Huntington Residence.

All day my mind has been occupied with the topic of overexposure in social media.  I see posts on Facebook that make me blush and I thought is this what I am doing here- overexposing myself and those that I love?  I even thought of deleting this virtual book (today) before the end of my one-year commitment…  My one weakness is that I am extremely intense and I have no concept of superficiality.  In this little corner of the world God has helped me see my reflection in my writings and I like what I see.  I love telling honest stories especially tough ones that at times feel like possible overexposure, they are by no means meant to be gossip, nor a desire for attention, nor boastful tales…  I like them to be a reflection of me in Christ of my failings and my unrelenting desire to be more Penny- God has given me so much, in this instance the ability and desire to write and I thought maybe I can put that little talent to use so that when He comes for me He will know that I put everything He gave me to work for the Kingdom. Unfortunately, at times I will take some characters along for the ride my hope is that I will honor them along the way... 
Fork in the road...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Pumpkin Gospel

Day One Picked Out Pumpkins

I taught preschool for four years while I worked on my secondary teaching credential and I always loved decorating the classroom for holidays and seasonal changes.  I still love decorating my house and office so much so that people expect it.  At home, my nephew loves getting involved.  Before visiting the pumpkin patch earlier this month he came up with the idea that he wanted to create a pumpkin snowman for our autumn holiday décor this year.  And I wouldn’t be his favorite auntie if I didn’t succumb to all his bouts of creativity.  So we picked up 3 pumpkins, took a walk at the park looking for branches that would become the snowman’s arms (Dollar helped), bought some white acrylic paint and started creating.

Day two Painting,
Looking for snowman arms at local park, 
Dollar helps in the search

I bought a book last year called the “Pumpkin Gospel” at my local Christian store (my nephew knows the book as the instructions for carving a pumpkin).  The book actually uses the pumpkin carving process as a simile (being a Christian is just like a pumpkin) describing how God individually picks out each pumpkin from the patch, washes off the dirt, removes the “yucky stuff” from the inside, carves a new face and fills each pumpkin with His light – creating happy, light filled jack-o-lanterns.  He loves the story because in addition to the well explained carving instructions the book glows in the dark!  And I love the fact that I get to share God with him in an age appropriate seasonally fitting way.

Day three cleaning out stinky insides,
Carving new face (following plans by pumpkin architect)
Finished product (waiting for tonight to light up the snowman)

So we read the book a few times throughout the week and then carved the newly, painted, white snowman head to compete his design.  Once everything was combined we had the most beautiful pumpkin snowman and quite a proud artist beside it.  He’s the most exceptional kid!  The first thing that he wanted to be when he grows up was an engineer (it’s impressive that at 4 years old he knew what that was)! But recently at the ripe age of 6 he changed his mind and now wants to be an architect because he claims he’s extremely good at drawing plans (SMILE). In fact, he drew plans of what the snowman should look like and after producing many different faces he finally decided on one.  Seriously this kid makes me proud to be his auntie!!!   

Shine the light of Jesus!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Mi Madre

If I ever become half the woman my mother is I will have succeeded!  She’s the most beautiful person on this planet that I know (and that’s no hyperbole)– I am so honored that God chose to give her to me and that He’s teaching me how to express my love and gratitude towards her while she’s on this planet…  My mother was born into poverty, at a time in her childhood she went without shoes or food.  Her dolls were made from corn husks and her games were played around completing extraneous farming tasks.  She never completed elementary – yet taught herself to read and write.  She married a selfish alcoholic that treated her ill for half of their marriage – yet she never left him.  She birthed four children that gave her millions of heartaches yet she loved us unconditionally.  She survived the death of her oldest son and has never lost faith.  Her path has not been easy, yet that smile and gentle spirit has risen above every and any struggle. 

Celebrating Mami's Birthday at Pirates Dinner Adventure.

There’s a worship song in Spanish, “El Alfarero” that tells the story of God being the clay master and each person the willing clay that gets shaped into a new vessel, but in order to become that vessel it needs to get molded and put through fire as part of the arduous transformation process.  My mom loves that song! 

Lyrics in translation lose their beauty, but you'll get the gist.

Do we become better people through association?  My mother’s patient, loving, confidence helped my father become the man that I adore (the man he was created to be) – the man that made a choice to love his family above all and leave his alcoholic friends behind.  The man that is self-serving, generous and loving…  

Show Begins
The fairy.
Our pirate the red one!
Super show, my nephew loved it!

When I am sad, she turns the radio on to a happy tune and asks me to dance - we dance around the kitchen like two young girls until I smile.  She’s my momma and I love her so! 

I try to enjoy her daily, now while I am single I can spoil her the way she has taught me to love.  When I think of her my heart inflames with love, with pride, with thankfulness that God chose her for miserable me. Thank you Father for sending her to us! Mamacita te amo! Feliz cumpleaños!

 Mi Familia.