Monday, March 1, 2021

High Heels No More

Do you ever feel like wearing high heels? 

I do. 

Especially right now that I don’t have any type of social life. I look at my closet filled with shoes that would make Cinderella jealous, but they are parked lined like boats on a dock.  Even when things are normal and I have more places to go to most of my two-hundred pairs go unworn.  Some are so beautiful, but way too painful or come with a silent warning of "possibility of falling."  I took the risk of falling for the pure joy of wearing the towering beauties, but much has changed.

It all began with me falling down a staircase twice, while wearing what I considered to be sensible four-inch platforms or more commonly known as wedges.  Both incidents happened when I had my office job, I was coming down the stairs and forgot to hold on to the railing and I fell - my butt hitting the stair and one of my wedge sandals flying towards a civilian that was on the lower floor.  My embarrassment over the flying shoe made me jump back up from where I had fallen, hoping to grab the predator shoe before it caused more harm…

The second incident occurred on those same stairs a month later with a different pair of wedges.  Again, I was walking down the stairs, this time the shoes remained on my feet, but there were more people around who suppressed laughter in trying to help me get up from the floor.   Since, I have lost my confidence, my high heel mojo is gone. 

The nail on high heel coffin, came when in Mexico I sprained my ankle.  I went into my grandmother’s room to kiss her good morning and inform her that I was going to Sunday Mass and when I stepped outside of her room, this fickle stair played a trick and my ankle snapped followed by great pain.  It was Sunday and in the small pueblo doctors' offices were closed so I had to go to the emergency room where I was told that it was only a sprain and not a fracture.  After, I returned to the States I visited my doctor for more scans and the diagnoses was the same.

However, since that sprain I can’t tolerate heels over three inches.  Which means that I will have to part with many of my shoe friends.  My lifestyle even before the pandemic was one more consistent with flats, so though my mind knows that heels are no longer my go to, my heart just doesn’t want to part with a beautiful artistic shoe lifestyle.  Thus, I have created a Pinterest page so that I can store my beloved heels in a special place, so that even if they leave this home their memory will live on…  

To be continued… 

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