Monday, May 14, 2018

Already a Princess

If you passed the magazine section at your local store chances are you have seen that the dominating cover story has to do with the coming nuptials of Meghan Markel and Prince Harry.  Will she become a princess after she marries?  It’s a great headline because little girls dream of becoming princesses, even big girls are still fascinated by royalty… What if I told you that we all are princesses and if you are men then you too are a prince charming.  Let me tell you a story that I heard yesterday during the homily…
Once upon a time, there was a prince looking for his princess, though his position gave him quite the selection in women, he wanted to marry a girl who would love him for him and not for his title or his possessions.  He spoke with the wisest man in his kingdom about his dilemma, and the seer asked him to go outside his kingdom walls dressed as a commoner. So, the prince privately exited his castle trading his royal wardrobe for simple dress and on foot he went into the world.  First, he passed by other nobles and seeing the prince in common clothes the women snubbed him, not giving him a second glance with their eyes fixed on the castle.  Then the prince passed by the town’s professionals and they asked him what he had studied, what his titles were.  The prince shook his head and said he hadn’t gone to university so this group of intellectuals looked down upon him thinking he was an ignorant man.  Then he came across a farm where a girl was doing all types of chores and farm work to support her elderly parents.  The prince asked her if he could stay on her farm for a while and help her with her farm work only asking for lodging and a plate a food.  The girl accepted.  For months the two labored together and through their daily interaction slowly they fell in love with one another.  The prince finally having found someone who loved him for himself revealed to the girl who he really was.  The girl replied, “I knew there was something odd about you because your hands were free from callouses, you speak as someone with an education and you are a picky eater only wanting to eat the best on the plate.”  He smiled and asked her if she would marry him and move into his castle for he had found the one who loved him for who he was.
Do you see Jesus in that story?  Jesus came down from his kingdom, he left his throne and royalty to come into our lives as the son of a poor carpenter.  He went around looking for his princes and princesses to bring them back into his Kingdom and in much the same way he was rejected.  We don’t need to dream about marrying a prince to become a princess- we already are royalty!  While the world might be blind to Jesus, as the King of kings, may you and I see him for who he truly is and in honoring his kingship may we also acknowledge our value.  For God came down and became man so that we could one day be with Him for all eternity in His celestial palace.  

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