Monday, August 28, 2017

Four Years Blogiversary

I have been in a bit of a blog funk, lately… Thanks for sticking with me, even if my posts are lacking original photos and the topics have been a little redundant…  Life has been a bit hectic, so hectic that I forgot to commemorate year four of my blogging.  Yes, it’s been four years of writing things that pop into my mind early in the morning; but, after four years, I feel like it’s time for a change.  I just finished a four week course on Catholic Social Teaching and I learned that change requires small actions.  It’s easy to say, “All we can do is pray” when issues around us seem too big for our little hands or to become overwhelmed and pessimistic about the many needs we see in our society.  “Starting by doing what’s in front of me” is something that lately has been my motto adapted (of course) from Mother Teresa.  There’s seven principles of Catholic social teaching:

Dignity of the Human Person

Call to Family, Community and Participation

Rights and Responsibilities

Preferential Option for and with People who are Poor

Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers


Care for God’s Creation

Having an awareness of these principles has taught me that there’s no issue that is too small.  I have always been fascinated by nature, once in a young adult group I shared about my ways for caring for the planet and how I felt called to work with no kill shelters and this guy asked me to get more important causes.  As I journeyed back into the Catholic Church; my love for planet earth and his creatures has many times been taken as a liberal stand that needs conservative enlightenment.  People often made me feel like I needed to get “real important” causes and this attack made me keep quiet.  Thanks to this class I now see that caring for God’s creation is one of the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching- so this passion that has always motivated my actions is not a liberal stand that I picked up in my public education- it’s a gift given to me by God.  Just as people feel called to fight for the rights of the unborn, homeless, imprisoned, human trafficked… Our church calls us to be good stewards of God’s creation and that means the planet as well as all the creatures that live in it.  Thus, this fourth year of my little writing space, I plan on voicing my thoughts on issues and causes that I fight for on a daily basis.  I hope to raise awareness on issues like recycling, reusing, good shopping practices, fast fashion, fair trade, ending sweatshops, rights of workers, spaying and neutering pets, visiting abandoned seniors- among other topics. 
Thank you so much for your continued support!

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