Monday, October 15, 2018

God's Universe

A few nights ago I was in my bedroom reading a book when I started seeing flashes that appeared like someone outside my bedroom window was taking pictures with the flash constantly going off.  For a moment I thought it was a person with a camera outside my window and curious to discover my stalker I opened the blinds only to find an illuminated sky.  Sunny California surprisingly hosted a lighting storm complete with thunder and showers.  In my home state rain always generate such a buzz because for the most part our year is sunny side up, thus when there’s an interruption Californians get super excited.  I enjoy dusting my sweaters and Ugg boots for wear in the rare colder temperatures as people rush to express their gratitude because we need the water to avoid a drought.  It is this positive frenzy that makes connection with God so simple.  He could have made one single season with a set temperature and weather pattern- but he gives us such variety. He caresses us with the power of the wind, touches us with drops of rain and lights the sky.  These seasonal changes, so experienced by our senses, also renew washing the earth and watering the plants. 
It is during these changes in weather that I most meditate on the power of God because He controls the wind with the sound of His voice the wind obeys.  I think of Jesus asleep on a boat in the middle of the ocean during the terrible storm, his apostles in utter fear wake him up and he simply commands the natural elements to behave and the tempest passes.  Or the story of creation (in the Book of Genesis) where the voice of God creates: the Creator says, “Let there be light,” and light comes into existence.  Just the sound of God’s voice carries power beyond our comprehension!  This natural phenomenon gives me hope because no matter the difficulties that I might be facing when I become aware of the power of God in controlling elements beyond anyone’s scope I realize that my tribulation is a piece of cake for Him.  Just like the storm that panicked the apostles my problems too will pass- and if I ask God for His assistance even better because He loves helping us out.

I am not one that can easily ask for help- it makes me uncomfortable relying on someone else.  When I do, I feel like I become a burden for them; even in prayer when I pray for myself- for my own intentions I struggle.  I feel like God only wants to listen to my intercessions, but when it’s about me he just doesn’t hear them.  Which of course is a lie because Jesus constantly told us to ask God for everything.  I think of the rain and how happy the flowers, trees and plants are to receive sustenance and am reminded that accepting help is an act of humility of recognizing my smallness and in doing so allowing another to shine in service.  We are all interconnected including creation- the beautiful home God created for us- this interconnectedness makes us dependent on one another.  In this country of individualism, God reminds us that in order to exist in harmony we all need one another.  In recognizing our smallness we become aware of His absolute power and that is pretty liberating (smile).

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