Monday, October 1, 2018

Gianna Club Paint & Wine Night

On Saturday, my Gianna Club hosted a paint and wine evening.  The sister of our leader is an artist and she helped us work on our very own interpretation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Time flew in the company of such solid Catholic women...  Last month kicked off year two of the club, this time organized in a different manner.  Per the leader, we are calling each period a semester because each semester will include the reading of a book.  This club will feature a Christian book to initiate dialogue at each monthly meeting.  Instead of having a monthly speaker the book will serve as a way to spark discussion and foster sisterhood among our group.  Usually each monthly session (called “Water into Wine”) begins with light appetizers, wine and conversation before the whole group gathers to discuss the book.  I feel like it’s a very effective way to form friendships with other Catholic women because the whole night is shaped around conversation.  After our book discussion we get a prayer card where we write our intentions, then all the intentions are placed in a bowl and each person picks a prayer card before heading home.  Whoever I receive I must pray for her during the upcoming month and reach out to her to let her know that I am interceding on her behalf.
As these monthly meetings are more geared into growing in faith together, this year Gianna’s Club is also adding a social night each month.  For September our leader hosted at her home a wine and paint night.  Each person made a small contribution to cover material fees.  Since sometimes pictures speak louder than words I thought I would show you how the artistic night enfolded.
 Inspiration was the first stop- loved that our wine glasses had our name as a personal touch.
Light hors devours was provided, in my opinion the breaking of bread during a shared meal always invites people to relax and enjoy.  Food is great at helping us open up (smile).
Each of us received a blank canvas and a picture of our objective.
The artist (in black) walked around our tables giving us tips on how to achieve a better painting.
 At our tables we did a fine job encouraging one another.
Each piece looked quite unique, showing us the diversity of the Holy Spirit at work in each of us.
The night helped solidify old friendships and begin new ones.
My final product.

Next month’s social evening will be a clothing swap, and for this recycle loving gal- that sounds fantastic! If you want to learn more about the club here's the link Gianna Club.  I have been a fan of the club since I first learned about it because it's not defined by age or marital status, all women are welcomed. 

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