I want to
know you more, the bit that I already know has me craving mas… There was a period soon after I joined Jovenes Para Cristo that I felt this
great connection to God. The pull was so
strong that I began discerning religious life.
I found myself pumping gas or trying to do any other everyday activity
and thinking of God only. I would
constantly talk to Him as if He were the pilot in my life. I slowly began giving up dressing up, wearing
make-up, donated a lot of my material possessions and began gradually trying to
rid myself of worldly things to make more room for God. Prayer increased, service increased… After
years of just hearing about God, I finally began to convert - to KNOW Him and
fruits began to be born - to blossom. The
more the light transformed me the more I wanted to be part of it… This whole restoration of self and change of erroneous,
secular views slowly began to transform me.
And the more that I gave up ungodly things and behaviors the happier and freer I
became. Knowing God, gave people and
life a different value. I don’t think I
ever loved anyone without worrying about what I was going to get in return-
before God was my friend. Knowing my
heavenly Father taught me to love the right way and the instruction is still

I find
myself thinking about marital love these days and I think how scary untraveled
paths can be. What if he doesn’t like
me? What if I am not smart enough for
him? What if I am too plebeian? What if I am still such a newbie to the
Catholic faith and (he’s been a cradle Catholic) will he dislike me because of
my ignorance? I think all these negative
thoughts and starting a conversation with a man leaves me stunted, immobile… because
it’s darn scary revealing yourself to someone and having them reject you. This is where prayer is essential. I light a paschal candle every night and pray
the rosary, along with other prayers and during these moments as I reflect on
the mysteries and pray for others God gives me direction and literally empowers
me. In prayer I ask God to help me change
in the ways I need to change and to bring me a man without a critical bone in
his body (smile). While I might still be
working on developing trust in my relationships I trust God completely. And I know that if I want a compassionate,
humble man who will accept me for who I am and where I am spiritually- I also
need to be a compassionate, humble woman who will accept others for who they
are and where they are spiritually. AND
to not be intimidated with those who have followed God way longer than I have