Thursday, January 8, 2015

Gracias Por Existir

Yesterday, I was reminding my mom that in a couple weeks I leave for the cruise. 
“I’m going to miss you,” she said.
“It’s only ten days,” I responded.
“Who is going to make me laugh during that time?”
Together my mom and I are clowns- my sister always complains that we are so lame, she just doesn’t understand our sense of humor.  Like when mom hears one of those heart-penetrating, Mexican, regional songs she does a mariachi grito- which sounds more like a cat getting stepped on.  Or when she retells a joke she can’t ever finish it because she’s laughing so hard mid joke.  I laugh, my sister gets slightly annoyed.  But my favorite is when she breaks into dance every time she hears a good beat. She has no rhythm so she literally dances to her own tune.  Daily she reports on how my dog behaved and how my bird thanks her every time she changes his food… My dad too is quite silly.  He never calls people by their name- always baptizes them with a new name that better suits him/her according to dad.  Like when I brought my dog home- dad wanted to know how much I spent on him because I wouldn’t reveal the price my dad started calling my dog Dollar.  Afraid that my dog would get confused and knowing my dad would refuse to call him anything else - my dog became Dollar.  Dad too loves to break into dance and loves imitating how cholos or reguetoneros dance, he has no rhythm so his attempts are quite hilarious!  He loves making jokes, usually about his bald head and getting implants or letting the sides grow to comb over the middle…  Together mom and dad are lethally funny!

They are quite popular around our neighborhood because they are also beyond friendly.  Both are simple, humble folk- they have never read the great philosophers or traveled outside of the USA and Mexico, they have modest professions, and believe in God as consequence of the handing down of traditional values.  Yet, their faith is enviable – they don’t need to see to believe they just do.  Mom daily pulls away in the afternoon to go and pray alone in her room and when we leave for work every morning she gives us her blessing.  God is ever present in their actions towards others.  They both had very little schooling; yet, they are the brightest people I know.  I was a first generation college graduate and as I received my diploma – they were initially afraid that I would be embarrassed by them.  And perhaps I would have been if I hadn’t had an encounter with God…  
University opened a new world to me and at times my family’s humble background shamed me, but when God rocked my world He showed me what really matters in this world.  People.  My family is plebeian – in fact many of the people that compose my inner circle are simple folk – yet their value is as the old MasterCard commercials’ advertised PRICELESS.  Having material wealth and uber degrees does not increase a person’s value nor does not having those things decrease it either.  We are all worthy simply because God gave us value, strip us everything and we are worth the same amount.  Yet, society lies to us constantly placing a price tag on each person according to his accomplishments or material wealth.  Don’t let them fool you! You are worthy whether or not you have a job, a house, a college degree or are in transition fighting to put food on the table and a roof over your head.  You are more than enough!  God created you in His image and deemed you good- so good that He wants you for Himself. There’s a song I love in Spanish that says, “gracias por existir,” in translation it loses a bit of its poetry but not its beauty: "thank you for existing."  Simply, gracias por existir.  To love another simply because he/she lives is loving like God loves.  That’s how my parents’ love- and how I hope to one day love too.    

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